Gray color coming from spare ribs?


R Roy Martin

New member

My spare ribs have been on for about an hours now, and I went to spritz them and there is some gray fluid coming out of them and sitting on the top. My wife says she's seen it before on chicken but neither of us have seen it on ribs. Are they bad? Should I dump them? Anyone know what it is?

I've never seen that but I don't peek until 2-3 hours go by.
I could possibly see that if a lot of water is being used and it was boiling, you could get a graying effect from the steaming.
I don't use water.

My grandmother was from Ireland and boiled/steamed EVERYTHING.
The meat would take on a gray color.
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No water in the smoker for me either.
Were they marinated ? (pre-marinated)
Anything unusual or just regular pork rub ?

If fish for example, are wet and put in a smoker running too hot you will get albumin oozing out (white curd).
So possibly ribs, still wet from a marinade could act this way.
This does not harm the fish, just makes it looks weird.
Just a normal process. It's the myoglobin, protein laden water, making its way to the surface.
I have a standing rule of NEVER liftng the lid of the WSM for at least 3 hours (unless I'm cold-smoking cheese). I consider the chemical reactions or interactions taking place between the meat, the heat, the rub and the smoke as being akin to Medieval magic and intended to remain under cover. :)
I have a standing rule of NEVER liftng the lid of the WSM for at least 3 hours (unless I'm cold-smoking cheese). I consider the chemical reactions or interactions taking place between the meat, the heat, the rub and the smoke as being akin to Medieval magic and intended to remain under cover. :)
This ^^^
Hmmm...that's why I've never seen the albumin....some things go better unseen.


