Timothy F. Lewis
TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I'm about halfway through. I wonder if this will cause more interest in grass fed beef. At one point they had a butcher in town that had it but they didn't stay in business long. It was very expensive.
That’s pretty common unless there is enough community support. The overhead in a niche butcher shop like that would be pretty high, between health code compliance, cost of the artisinally raised stock, the loss through disinterest in offal and, less “desirable” cuts would be staggering.
Not many places have “hanging beef” anymore, there is, was, a place in Grand Rapids at their indoor farmers market that was only open on Saturdays, I’m not a huge fan of standing in a crowd of people that have no clue what they want and can’t make a decision. That, combined with the positively insane pricing, has not made me feel like venturing back.