Gorgeous Baby Back Ribs Ruined Yesterday


Jose Suro

TVWBB All-Star
Just because I didn't read the label. I did a rib cook yesterday and did everything as I normally do. They came out beautiful. But they were inedible - way too salty.

I dove into the trash and pulled out the bags. Smithfield ribs labeled "Self-basting" went to their website and they are injected with a 12% brine solution. My rub has salt so I double salted them.


Bummer Jose, there's today and tomorrow to do a cook, call it the 5th of July cook off
Dang it, hate to see that. I know it is re-stating the obvious, but there's no way you let that happen again, eh?

Sorry to hear that, Jose !

A good wake-up for everyone to watch out for these "self-basting" or "pre-marinated" type products.
No thanks.
Been there, done that, but we've all had disappointing cooks. IMHO, enhanced ribs, especially highly enhanced ribs such as Smithfield, are kind of nasty, whether you end up with too much salt in the rub or not.

