Genesis E310 side controls (2008)

OK, I will give them a try and see if they fit the other grill. I just wondered if it was common to retro fit them into the older E310's as Weber deemed them necessary after a few years of production on the 310 style. Kind of like a recall type thing. Or if maybe they were designed to ONLY fit the newer front burner cook boxes?
I made something like that on my old Genesis III. They worked to a point. They did help to keep flame ups down

I read that post. May have been on another board. As I recall you used a charbroil product. Was interested in the long term evaluation and opinion.

Long term they worked but cleaning was a little more of a pain so they're not in there any more. The grill now resides at my daughter and son in law's home. Basically they functioned by allowing longer times between cleaning but when you had to clean it was not as easy.
Bruce I don't think they will sit in the 2008 model the same way. Also if you think about how they're used they need to run between burners. Food for thought
Between burners? I thought they sit fully under the burners? That's what it looked like when I finally found them in the 2012 grill. Like they cover the hole in the bottom of the cook box? But hey, that grill is so full of crap it is hard to tell and the guy might not have even had them in correctly. I have yet to start to clean out the grill, but when I do, I will look at it more closely and then check to see how the shields might transfer to the 2008 grill.
Yes under the burner(s) but if looking straight down they're between them. Not sure how to explain it If you look at them mounted in the 2012 model they sit literally between burners. When I made the ones for mine from Charbroil parts I bought 2 CB adjustable stainless heat tents. I then had them adjusted to length to fit from left to right. One under and between burners 1 & 2 and the other under 2 & 3 between them
Thanks for that explanation. I will check into that, but it will be a while before I get to it. I have too much other stuff going on right now. I looked in the drip pan on my Genny 1000 yesterday and I was surprised to see how much grease had already leaked down into that after just a few cooks on my new to me grill. I can understand how a flare up could occur.

I am putting a chicken on the roto this afternoon using the Roadside Chicken recipe. I can't wait. I have it marinating in the fridge now.
Yeah that is part of the theory of the secondary deflectors. They're supposed to heat up and vaporize drippings that get past the main bars before they go into the grease trap. The idea is less grease down there less chance of a fire and if a fire were to happen supposedly the secondary deflectors keep the fire in the bottom. They work after a fashion
I will just try to keep the drip pan changed out pretty often on my Genesis 1000. That isn't hard to do.

I also notice that the newer Genesis and Spirit grills funnel the grease to one end which would also reduce the exposure of the grease to heat from the burners. However, that over complicates the drip pan system and entails added cost in both the new grill parts and replacement parts. I did a Spirit E210 a while back and it had the side drip tray. The drip pan was gone and the drip pan holder was totally rotted away and the replacement wasn't cheap.
It's not the drip pan itself you need to worry about. That seems to be far enough away from all but the worst conflagration. It's the grease "funnel" that you really have to worry about. The fires that cause the most trouble start there. People don't clean it and on the older style grills a lot of grease gets "down there" and causes things usually go awry when you're doing chicken thighs. Grease drips down and starts to burn off maybe a small flare. This little flare drips down into the funnel igniting the debris and grease in it and voila you have a 5 alarm fire.
In my north/south Genesis ive never had a fire in the grease collection slide out tray. HOWEVER those heat shields can catch fire since they're close to burners. Every 10 cooks I just scrape any debree into the tray from the top.
Good advice, thanks guys. That is pretty much the moral of the story with all these grills, regardless of the design. Clean the dang things out once in a while and you are far less likely to experience flare ups as well as other problems.
Hey Bruce, just ran acs your thread while trying to fid paint for my Genesis e-310. I ended up buying Rustoleum black ultra for the firebox and lid sides. I bought 7784 charcoal grey for the bottom cabinet and the aluminum shelve caps. The charcoal gray is darker but I think it will be a good match with the black firebox. So what colors did you end up painting your grills?
Jeff, I never did get around to rehabbing that grill. I now have two E310's waiting for my attention. One is a front control and one is a side control. That Charcoal grey you bought is a gloss finish. I am not sure if that is what you wanted or not. I think the existing lighter grey paint is a flat variety. Anyway. I will probably use one of the Rustoleum 2x paints for the non-heat bearing parts on my grill. I may go with a darker grey like you.

Here are a couple I will consider:

I will probably go with the ultra black on the hood end caps and fire box. There really isn't a readily available gray that I can find in High Heat. I like to keep them as much original as possible, but most people probably won't even notice the difference.
Bruce and Jeff, my burner knobs were stained even after bleaching them. I gave them a few coats of the Stone Grey in one of the links above. It was a very good match to the color of the original knobs. Its a nice light grey color its not high heat.
Jeff, I never did get around to rehabbing that grill. I now have two E310's waiting for my attention. One is a front control and one is a side control. That Charcoal grey you bought is a gloss finish. I am not sure if that is what you wanted or not. I think the existing lighter grey paint is a flat variety. Anyway. I will probably use one of the Rustoleum 2x paints for the non-heat bearing parts on my grill. I may go with a darker grey like you.

Here are a couple I will consider:

I will probably go with the ultra black on the hood end caps and fire box. There really isn't a readily available gray that I can find in High Heat. I like to keep them as much original as possible, but most people probably won't even notice the difference.


You are definitely right that it seems impossible to match the gray that Weber used on the firebox and hood endcaps. Gray is a hard color because it can be tinted toward blue or toward brown. I think the Weber color leans more toward a very slight brown tint while most high heat paints seem to be a little more in the blue direction. I have used the FORD GRAY color of this one:

I know, though, that it is only rated to 550 degrees, but it does look at least somewhat like the original:


VHT also has a flat gray in this higher temperature rated paint:

I have never seen or used it, so I don't know how the color compares. If you want, you can gloss coat it with a high heat gloss covering. As to the frame and cabinet pieces, they seem to be a more medium/dark gray. I used a slate gray with decent success, and the 2x paint you are looking at (especially the darker one) would be a great choice. It still won't be the exact tint, but when all painted it will have the overall look of the original and almost no one would know otherwise unless it was lined up side by side with a factory painted version. I know you are extremely aware how fresh paint and shiny parts do influence buyers.

One last comment. The earlier version of the Genesis 300 series with the "E-W" burners might be a keeper. I have wanted one for some time, but all I have are rusted out parts someone gave me. You are fortunate to have one that isn't propped up with bricks!:p



I still think that if the rust problems are addressed, this version is one of the nicest grills Weber made. I really like the combination of the larger size and higher hood with the original Weber burner configuration. I would think it would be a really good rotisserie machine. The frame on this version also wraps around to support the side trays. The next version abandoned that, and the side trays merely clip on and can break off.

Good luck on the restores when you get to them. I have a done one side burner and a couple of the front burner ones. If you think I can help in any way let me know. I might have a few extra parts.

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Jon, thanks for the offer. I won't know what parts I will need to replace until I tear into them this spring. I am hoping they are basically intact minus some rust I know is in the cabinets.
I personally prefer open cabinet grills partly for that reason.
Jon, thanks for the offer. I won't know what parts I will need to replace until I tear into them this spring. I am hoping they are basically intact minus some rust I know is in the cabinets.
I personally prefer open cabinet grills partly for that reason.


Yes, I agree. On those 300 series grills, the cabinet is pretty much an integral part of the framework. It would take some metal work to make one of these an open cart, but I suppose it could be done. That is one thing I do like about the Genesis II line. At least you have the option to select an open cart.

Now if they would just bring back the "Platinum" option from 12 years ago and give you the choice of paying more to have a stainless frame. Well, one can only hope!

Don't hesitate to ask if I can help with anything when you get around to your spring restores. I myself am trying to stay on my tax returns, but the beautiful weather and CL/OfferUp deals keep trying to sidetrack me!

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Thanks jon. Yah, I have done about ten Genesis Silver B's and 1000's so far. But, I havent tore into an E310 yet. I am sure I will have questions.

Our weather is still nasty so grilling is not a thing yet. Therefore, we don't have much popping on CL and other sites right now. In about two months, that will change however when people go out to the grill which they didn't bother to clean it since they bought it five years ago and try to fire it up and it either won't fire up or it burns like crap, or the grates and flavo bars are all rusted out, so they say "Honey, the grill is toast, lets get a new one and get rid of this POS".
Thanks jon. Yah, I have done about ten Genesis Silver B's and 1000's so far. But, I havent tore into an E310 yet. I am sure I will have questions.

Our weather is still nasty so grilling is not a thing yet. Therefore, we don't have much popping on CL and other sites right now. In about two months, that will change however when people go out to the grill which they didn't bother to clean it since they bought it five years ago and try to fire it up and it either won't fire up or it burns like crap, or the grates and flavo bars are all rusted out, so they say "Honey, the grill is toast, lets get a new one and get rid of this POS".

And that’s where we swoop in:o!

