Genesis 2000 finally done!


Bobby Segars

TVWBB Super Fan
Finally was able to complete my new to me 2000. I think it turned pretty good. I replaced the old grates and flavorizer bars with RC Plane Buyers. I replaced the durawood with cedar and stained with Teak Oil (Thanks Bruce)! I replaced the control panel due to bad fading (Thanks again Bruce)! My son graduates this Friday and I will be manning the grill!
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That did come out great. what kind of stain did you use on the cedar. Looks awesome IMO. Looks like you got a grill that will around for another 30 years.
That looks wonderful! I have the same grill that stared life as a 1000 that I bought new in 1999. Converted it to a 2000 but I kept the durawood slates for ease of maintenance. With eight Weber's I have enough maintenance issues to deal with. Also added a right hand flip up.

[/url]DSCN2766 by Richard Dahl, on Flickr[/IMG]
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This looks awesome. I want to build one like this. Now just waiting for the matching frame to show up. The one I have too far gone.
Stephan, Don't limit yourself to just wood Genesis 1000 grills. You can replace the durawood in the later Genesis 1000 grills with wood. Aside from the wood, they are virtually identical grills.
Lowes has the cedar with the right size for the slats in 8 foot lengths. Make sure u check each board for straightness.

Thanks, Bobby.

I've had the Lowes cedar slats sitting in my garage since last fall. They were straight when I bought them, but believe I may have to buy another 8-footer because I wasn't expecting to work on a 2000 series at the time.

