Genesis 1000 Flavorizer bar question: how many are needed?

Jon i didn't remember that post. That is just amazing that you could restore that hood. I would have thought it was a goner.

I would be interested in seeing those taller flavorizors.
Thanks for the replies folks. I'm mostly a charcoal guy, with 22 & 26" kettles that I use to smoke, roast and grill year 'round. But I like the convenience and consistency of our 'redhead' (love that name) too.

I haven't done much with it other than cleanings and a natural gas conversion shortly after I bought it for my wife in 1995. I found this forum while researching new bars and glad I did. After reading a few threads on redhead rebuilds I've decided to get mine back in fighting trim.

Jon i didn't remember that post. That is just amazing that you could restore that hood. I would have thought it was a goner.

I would be interested in seeing those taller flavorizors.

A big thanks goes to Larry Michaels who pointed out that I really didn’t need to spend hours with 0000 steel wool when paint stripper would do it effortlessly in minutes:o!

It was in perfect condition, and I think the maroon is really sharp. I just can’t imagine what would have possessed someone to paint it flat black:p!

I will see what I can do about digging out those bars. After this long, I am curious myself.
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That coating is tough. I got 20+ years of heat-fused grease and grime off of mine quite easily with 0000 SW and brake degreaser. Looks like new.

I'm old enough to remember taking an appliance in to get fixed. I even replaced a CRT in vacuum tube TV with my Dad. So I'm quite pleased to have this gem that's been hiding right under my nose!
Yep, I have cleaned about 2 dozen Weber Silver B and 1000 lids using #0000 steel wool and a cleaner like simple green. That's all I use on the outside of the lid. However, on the inside, I have gone to starting out with a razor blade scraper first. Most of it just peels right off without any scrubbing. The steel wool gets what's left.
Jon you never mentioned it having those flavorizer bars that I recall. Did you actually try them? I thought my dad, myself and now my son in law were the only people in existence with this setup lol.
Brian, no worries I didn't take it as "critical" I thought you were thinking I advocated everyone with a deep box go out and spend copious amounts of $$$ to have these made. I just managed to have my dad as a partner in a metal stamping and finishing plant and I took advantage of it

