So far so good, it gets a lot of use and has held up well. I eventually switched to a borosillicate glass top after going through 3 or 4 pieces of Lowes glass. They'd just eventually crack when cooling, and I had one where when I picked up the print there was a layer of glass attached to it somehow. I've had a couple of mishaps with the part cooling fan hitting a binder clip a few times and breaking it off, so I've been sort of idly working on replacing it with a different design. I sort of regret not going 24V for the power source though, because at 12V with my Kysan steppers, the back EMF created from rotation + winding impedance means torque really drops at about 130mm/s.
I'm also going to replace my Smoothieboard with a RAMPS with TMC2130 drivers. The Smoothieware software has really languished and I'd love to have some of the newer features like good mesh bed leveling, sensorless homing, linear advance extrusion, and all the other cool things going into Marlin. I just soldered up a little board this weekend to attach the SPI to the steppers along with adding some more MOSFET outputs without losing the LCD and SD card support. If I were going to spend Smoothieware-level money, I'd go for a Duet Wifi these days, but I already had the RAMPS sitting around and Digikey had the official silenstepsticks for just $8 each before Christmas.
I am really nitpicking because it has been very reliable and the prints are good.