I got frustrated with my printer because of the effort required to get the first layer down. I took a lot of fussing, cussing and patience to get a print started. After it got started there were no problems and the prints looked very good. I was using a servo/switch for auto leveling and the servo acted differently when it heated up.
So this last weekend I decided to do an upgrade. When I built my printer I didn't know where I wanted everything located so I left all the wires long. It made the printer look like a huge bowl of spaghetti. Now that I have figure out where I want it, I decided to clean it up, trim the wires, put them i wraps and make it more portable.
I also decided to replace the servo/switch with an inductance proximity sensor, and to support this swap out the glass bed with an aluminum one using glue stick.
Well it turned out nice and I just tried me first print. For the auto leveling it probes nine places, and I found that I get a little blob of plastic each time it probes, but no biggie.
Well for the first time every I was able to preheat the printer, and hit print and it worked! Homed all axis, did an autolevel and printed the first layer very nicely. The only complaint I have is that between the print lines there is a very small gap, they didn't actually touch. By the second layer that was all filled in so no problems. It is now 30 minutes into the print and going well.
Since it is all nicely packaged up and can actually place it in my office and watch it print as I work.
Loving the aluminum print bed, and proximity sensor. I also ordered a capacitive on just to try out and see how it works.
P.S. - I guess the real test will be to see if I can print the second one as easily