This wheel works better than original one and better than china mk8 Wheel. Top performance was confirmed hundred times. ...
Overall this design is just works. Dont ask whywe sold several thousand through several online stores. Not a single complaint except your scientific findings
Do not worry, just use the wheel. It should work.
From the product description:I started with a MakerFarm kit, and while I was able to get a working printer and learned a whole lot in the process, I just HATE the balsa wood frame... (joking about being balsa, but am trying to say the thin wood frame leaves something to be desired IMHO) I haven't looked recently so IDK if they've moved away from the wooden frame? I know they had moved to V-rails, which would be a HUGE improvement over linear bearings in my experience (I did my own conversion over to rails, trust me, far superior to linear bearings or pillow block bushings, I've tried them all). If there is an option of rod or rail go with the rails....
As far as cleaning out the clog goes, PLA is a PITA, what the hell do you dissolve it with? You can soak ABS in acetone and it will liquify, PLA??? That's one reason I hate PLA! I jammed my J-head several times with PLA (and ABS). To clear out the PLA I had to take apart the hotend and use a blowtorch to super heat the parts and burn the plastic out, then gave everything a good cleaning with acetone. I found the stick from a q-tip fits into the hotend nicely to get that last bit of cleaning done.
That's the only questionable thing here. I replaced the fan that I broke with a 4.5CFM fan with the same dimensions from digikey thinking it should be OK but it definitely is not. I've ordered two more with higher specs to see if they'll fix it. I checked it with the FLIR and the heatsink reads about 40C on the bottom fin while the block is 250C. In my mind that's working fine but maybe the E3D V6 is always right on the edge of failing at all times and a couple of degrees is all it takes.I started having jamming problems with my E3D V6. It turned out to be the heatsink fan.