Just a little feedback on my dilemma of trying to turn a 2d graphic/logo into a 3D object to print....
I must have tried at least a half dozen apps or more, each one seemed to have one little quirk that kept me from getting the job done. Finally I went back to one of the first methods I had found/used, creating a .SCAD file in Inkscape then using OpenScad to render the 3D object and create the stl file. The first time I tried this I used a SVG file which caused some issues, objects sometimes didnt translate as solid (more often as a wireframe), thick lines showed up thin, or not at all, the resulting 3D object did not look like the original 2D image....
This time I saved my 2d image as a simple bitmap image instead (jpg, gif, tif etc), imported to INKSCAPE, traced the image with INKSCAPE (PATH menu, Trace Bitmap) then used the "Export Path's to SCAD" script that I found on ThingiVerse for Inkscape to create an OpenScad file. (Download/install Path's to Scad script for Inkscape, then to EXTENSIONS Menu, Generate from Path, Paths to OpenSCAD). The Path's to OpenSCAD script dialog box will appear in which you select the amount to extrude the image (thickness of the object), then click OK to generate the SCAD file. Now load OpenSCAD, open the SCAD file you created, click the Design Menu, then Compile and Render. This may take a while, but when it is done you should see a nice 3D rendering of your image in OpenScad. Finally, simply click the Design Menu, then EXPORT as STL and you have printable object!!! I ran the object through NetFab, it seemed to like the object and didn't seem to do much when I ran the default repair. The object looks great, matching my original image perfectly, and the Slic3r had no problems slicing it up for printing. My printer liked the object as well....
It's been weeks now that I have been trying to get this done, I've scoured the web and tried MANY methods, including this very method once before (but using a SVG file as the source image, which added complications and made the process fail). THIS WORKS and it works well... I am really happy with the quality of the rendering...
Thanks to everyone who offered advice to help me get this done...