General 3D Printing Thread

I emailed Colin about the auto leveling being integrated into the firmware and he replied they are working on a complete upgrade kit that will be an easy setup.

I thought that Marlin already had the codes in place and all you need to do is add some custom gcode to your slicing settings?

Also, update on my monoprice filament situation. It appears that they labeled my PLA filament "ABS" and vice versa. When you try to print PLA with ABS settings, you get pretty bad prints.
Bryan, did you mention previously that you print with monoprice filament?
Not yet. I noticed they had really cheap filament but I had just bought 2 spools so I haven't had a chance to try it yet (still one spool+ left).
I thought that Marlin already had the codes in place and all you need to do is add some custom gcode to your slicing settings?
No it still isn't integrated into the main repository. I'm not sure if it is going to be, because the quality of the patch leaves something to be desired. The second pull request for the same feature is even worse.

I'm looking forward to seeing what Colin comes up with. I assume he's probably going to replace at least part of the X carriage because otherwise you've just got to put too much other stuff all over your printer to make it work.
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Just placed my order with so will post back when I receive it. This HeaterMeter project is starting to get expensive :D
That's the same code that's in the first pull request. I used those commits as the basis for my modifications to the Marlin source. I believe that thread has been linked in this thread before too.

His Z probe is awesome but the lulzbot x carriage rides a lot further back than the makerfarm i3. Their carriage rides between the X ends, but the makerfarm carriage extends out from them.
I posted the lulz thing earlier but I was just referring to the code bits that he listed because I was a little confused about Marlin and the bed leveling code. I haven't done it yet, but it seems that from his implementation, you just need to add some custom gcode and a slight mod of the advance config file. I not a coder so I guess I'm confused as to why this method is problematic.
Oh the usage is ok, it's just that the code that does it is not great. It has a lot of code copy and pasted from other functions and uses a lot of hard coded numbers. It's a great proof of concept but if I were the Marlin maintainer I'd want all that cleaned up before it went in. Not that I think it is going in because nobody has said boo about it in close to a year.
Monoprice filament update:

PLA (black): prints really nice and consistently. I'm using a heated bed at 55C and extruding at 195C

ABS (black): tried heated bed 95 to 105C, extruding at 225 to 240C in a closed chamber at 110F. Significant warping at all edges. Will need to tune this better but so far not happy with monoprice ABS
How did you mount the optoendstops and triggers?
I only used 1. The X and Y, who cares about how accurate they are? The Z I was tired of trying to set that little screw to just the right height that would make my prints come out perfect. The OptoEndstop allows me to Z-home then actually go past the endstop. The bed height is that G1 Z-2.56, G92 Z0. You also could just G92 Z2.56.

The interrupter is mounted just to the wall, and I printed a little poker that goes up and down. There's at least an inch the poker can go down after triggering before it starts hitting the opto board. I can't remember why I made it fit so tightly.
Hey guys, was checking in on something. I can't seem to get my i3 to print very high. It seems the head is clogging up and the filament stops extruding and the hob bolt just eats away at the filament in the extruder. Can I assume this is because of the .35mm head (waiting on .50mm head to arrive)? What needs to be adjusted to help with this? Is this the reason for switching to full step z height adjustments I was reading about earlier in this thread?
Hey guys, was checking in on something. I can't seem to get my i3 to print very high. It seems the head is clogging up and the filament stops extruding and the hob bolt just eats away at the filament in the extruder. Can I assume this is because of the .35mm head (waiting on .50mm head to arrive)? What needs to be adjusted to help with this? Is this the reason for switching to full step z height adjustments I was reading about earlier in this thread?

Did you set the Nozzle Diameter setting in Slic3r to .35mm?
What do you mean by print very high? Are you saying that when you get to a certain z height it stops working? If this is the case you should check your filament path and make sure that you are not creating a pinch when the extruder reaches a certain height. Ideally, you should use a length of ptfe tube as a filament guide to support the force between the extruder and your filament spool. If the tension gets high enough, you can even run into situations where the xcarriage may slightly flex causing uneven prints.

