Geirs salmon...



TVWBB Olympian
Anyways...After Emilie saw this she bought some bonless/skinfree Salmon(tiny ones) and said we have to try it.

Did it just as Gay said! Salted/rested/Garlic buttered.

Here is some Pr0oF.

About 4 min/side. Awesome meal! Cred goes to GEIR!
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Awesome salmon Daniel! To insert a link in a word, click
the "world" button next to the smilies and it will bring up a
box where you type or paste the link.
It does add a link field just as i did in my post. But how could i name thate Link "GEIR"? Or is it my browser "firefox" that mess it up?!
Daniel, the way i do it is by surrounding your link between the equal sign and the ]
before the equal sign you should type [url then the equal sign(=) your link then another bracket]
type your word or words followed by this [/url]

does that make sense?
Daniel, the way I do it is I highlight the word I want to link. Just click on the
word you want to link, it will then highlight it. Once it is highlighted, click the link button.
Such as this for Geir's link.
Wow I feel like an pig on angrybirds. So easy! Thanks Mike/Brian

And thanks for the food comments aswell! :cool:
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