Freezer aged half brisket for Smoke Day 15


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Hope everyone is having a smoking good holiday weekend, and at the same time remembering the ones who gave it all for our freedom.
This point and small flat section of a Costco Prime brisket had been in the freezer since Oct. 2017.
I kept putting off cooking it because if we want something brisket-like I cook tri tips like a brisket.
I separated the small flat section from the point and trimmed off most of the outside fat for fear it would not be good after that long frozen.

Fuel was Kamado Joe Big Block lump started with about 10 lit Cowboy briqs, cherry wood for smoke.
At 5 hours, running about 265F on the 14" WSM, I pulled the flat off and wrapped it in foil, then towels. At that time I wrapped the point in butcher paper and let it go another hour. Both rested, towel wrapped in the microwave for about 3 hours before slicing the point, haven't tried the flat yet.
No plate shots, fresh corn and baked beans for sides.
The meat was tender and tasted great even with no sauce.

You know I had to have an egg McBob this morning.

For those curious about how well the Kamado Joe lump did, here are before and after pics. Looks like a few more hours worth of heat. The after pic was this morning, so some burn down took place before it went totally out.
I like the stuff.

Thanks for taking the time to view my post!
Looks outstanding Bob. Doesn't look and sound like the extended freezer time hurt the meat any. I've got one that's been in the freezer a month or so longer than yours. Might dust it off here one of these days and give it a try.
Now I'm really ticked. Had planes for smoking a Costco prime brisket for smoke day, but the winds were just too high (steady 35 mph with gusts to 55) so we did a tri tip instead. Now I see a nice brisket and of course a beautiful McBob with brisket. Boy I sure would have enjoyed that, but no all I get to do is listen to the wind howl for the third week in a row.

