First time use of WSM--Beginner's chicken


Petra Z

TVWBB Member
Good morning!

I hope to use my new WSM (putting it together today or tomorrow, depending on work) over the weekend. I'd like to try the beginner chicken recipe, but I only want to use one chicken instead of two (there's only so much I can eat!) What kind of adjustments might I need to make with respect to coals/fuel source, cooking time, etc.? I'd make the two birds and freeze the leftover, but I only have limited freezer space (no stand-alone freezer, just what's on the bottom of the fridge).

I'm sure one of the more experienced members will chime in here but I deal with that same dilemma cooking for light eating family. I use the weight of the individual pieces of meat as my guideline for estimating cook time. One chicken or two will take about the same amount of time. I,m not sure about the coals but think that 1/2 full smoke ring would be more than enough.
The coal amount in this recipe is overkill. If I remember right it says so in the recipe as well.
When you are finished, just shut the vents, and you can reuse the coals.

I think it is wise to use more than enough coals for the first cook. Then you wont have to struggle with temps falling at the end of the cook.
Leftover smoked chicken is great for making chicken salad or you can tear apart and mix with a little sauce for pulled chicken bbq sandwiches....but if you want to only cook one bird, that won't affect the cook as Chris has layed out.

I NEVER use less than 1.5 chimneys of charcoal in my 18.5" wsm. If I want to cook chicken with just one chimney's worth, I'll use the kettle.
I agree with you, Dave. When cooking smaller quantities, I will use my kettle.

I used the beginner chicken recipe on my kettle before I got my WSM. I used about 1/2 of a chimney of Stubb's briquettes, then poured the lit coals behind two foil wrapped bricks with a handful of apple wood chips and a hickory chunk thrown on top for flavor.

Beginner BBQ Chicken

