First Time Beef Ribs



I stopped into the newest Terry Black BBQ in Waco a few weeks bite of their Dino Ribs is enough to cause instant anxiety over when you'll get your next.

So I went on a quest to find them locally here in AZ. Well, let's just say it is pretty hard to find them off the shelf. So I did the usual; perused the internet shippers that tend to be pretty pricey and looked on forums for tips. I didn't feel like paying $139 for a rack from 44Farms or even $115 from Creekstone, so I kept looking. I finally found a post from somebody that said they found them at their local Sam's club.

Sure 'nuff...they had 'em! So, yes, I had to spend $50 for a membership, but I figured it was worth it to get these at $7.99/lb.

Prepped and ready to go on...

Pulled to rest 7.5 hours later...

Slice **** pics in about an hour and a half...;)
I just recently learned that Sam's Club carries beef short ribs (before this thread was posted)...I need to get over to my local club and get some, as they are hard to find otherwise outside of Texas.
I just recently learned that Sam's Club carries beef short ribs (before this thread was posted)...I need to get over to my local club and get some, as they are hard to find otherwise outside of Texas.
You won't usually find them at your big grocery stores or such but standalone butcher shops etc often have them. I found one place near me that will have them.. and it's a place that sells their own meat from their own farm... Kind of boutique -ish. Grass-fed and pricey. It's prime rib on a on a bone and most of the weight is the big bones. But you can't beat that beef taste and crust. Don't undercook them though

