First Smoke!



New member
First attempt on the WSM 18 yesterday!
Cooked chicken let quarters, legs and a rack of ribs. Was very surprised at how little charcoal the smoker used?? only about 15 briquettes for a 4 hour smoke, temp stayed steady at 250, dropped to about 225 for the last hour (probably because the wind picked up and the sun went in?) smoked using just a few chucks of hickory.dry rub on the ribs, sweet bbq sauce on there for the last 30 mins.
planning on pulled pork and a brisket if the weather holds next weekend!

Hit a home run at your first attempt!! The WSM will do that for ya!! :wsm:

Of course I like to think we have a little something to do with that as well!:rolleyes:
yep only 15! i used the weber chimney starter (a lot bigger than i thought it was gonna be when i ordered it by the way!). used the minion method and dumped the hot coals in the middle (chimney only about 1/3 full). when i shut the smoker down after the cook, there were loadsa unburnt briquettes so have saved them for next time! im doing a long smoke soon (pork & beef) so will probably fill the chimney quite full.
2nd post and 1st cook, and you nailed them both. Best of luck on your second. You may not want to start with a full chimney of lit if you're doing a long cook -- do some more reading on here about the Minion method before you get started. I think you'll want more unlit and the same number of lit, depending on the temperature you're seeking.

