First multi butt cook


L Weiner

TVWBB Member
I moved to a new neighborhood and we are having a block party this weekend. So I was planning on cooking 2 butts about 6-7 lbs each. Couple questions - usually a 6 lb butt takes 9-10 hours for me @250. I assume similar times for 2 right? Also I have a 18.5 in WSM, should I buy bone in or boneless? Is it easier to fit 2 boneless butts on the top rack or does it not matter?

It may take a little longer but I'm not sure. I've never done just one but I usually plan on 12 hours. If it finishes earlier I just wrap and put in a cooler with towels and hold it that way. I'd rather be done early than late.

I like cooking bone in just because .................... actually I dont have a reason. I just like it. The ones I buy are about the same size as the boneless I have bought. Maybe not as thick but the foot print is about the same. I say go with what you like.

I just realized I was probably no help at all. :eek:
Time should be the same, wind,temp,humidity will have more influence than just another butt in the smoker. Only thing that might happen is using a little more fuel to maintain and get up to temp. Once it does your golden.
I would buy the bone in and both butts should fit on top. 12 hours should be a good time. Don't worry if the smoker gets to 275 it will still be good.
I did 3 10# butts on my 22 WSM in 9 hours at 275. Wrapped in foil at 5 hours. They were falling apart and moist throughout.
I have an 18.5" and two butts fit on the top rack easily. I buy bone-in but I don't think it would matter if it were boneless. Time isn't much different with two but when I buy two, they are usually not the same size so I end up taking one off a little sooner than the other. Good luck, you'll be the talk of the block party.
I like bone in and always buy my butts that way for cooking on the WSM. My reason for doing this is that I never worry about internal temps. When you can twist the bone out with your fingers the butt is done. Let it rest a while, 30 minutes or so and pull it.

Like Jerry says you will be the hit of the party.:wsm:
Yeah you can fit two or three on just the top rack not to metion the bottom rack as well. I let mine rest in foil, then towels into a cooler for an hour or two if i have the time. Im doing a whole packer this weekend for a meetup as well. Its a dog party so this should be interesting.

