First couple smokes....too much charcoal flavor.

I bought one of those torches when they were selling cheap.
The igniter on mine went out after a few days so I quit using it.
I still use my soldering torch or my weed burner that I’ve had for 15 or so years.
In all fairness I haven’t heard of anyone else having the issues I did.

I haven’t used my little propane bottle refill adapter I bought yet but at the price of little propane bottles I am glad that I got it.

As far as white smoke making a bad taste in bbq goes, I haven’t had an issue with it.
I light a standard minion and toss on the meat a few minutes later when I’m ready and all set up to do that.
Most all of my daytime cooks level off temp wise at around 275f.
I do go down to 200 for an all nighter though

Just yesterday I saw a Yoder (sp?) explain that the colder smoke isn’t the issue it’s the hot smoke that gives you a nasty taste.
I have no idea if that is true but my method works for me regardless of which smoker I use.
As far as white smoke making a bad taste in bbq goes, I haven’t had an issue with it.
I light a standard minion and toss on the meat a few minutes later when I’m ready and all set up to do that.

Me too. I start cooking right away. I don't wait for thin blue smoke. I don't wait for the cooker to "stabilize" either. Since adding a bunch of cold meat instantly further destabilizes the cooker temp.

I just make sure the coals in the chimney are well lit and (especially with KBB) have stopped sending off the big clouds of smoke before putting them onto the minion pile.
Harry Soo likes to put his medium under the charcoal for “Clean” smoke. I like that method very much, since the method requires virtually no attention after ignition. I love the simplicity, load smoke wood, top with as much coal as possible, assemble, light through the door and drop the protein on, set the lid. As I have said many times before, then…go to bed!
I’ve heard Harry say that for years.
I’ve done it both ways numerous times on my wsm stock basket, my Arborfab and my S n S to see for myself and I can’t tell any difference.

One would think that a preheated piece of smoke medium would be better than tossing a cold piece of wood on hot coals and I don’t argue that but that can be accomplished horizontally as well IMO.

