I was also frustrated by all the white smoke and wait time with my WSM and eventually got a Masterbuilt Gravity and was amazed at how fast and clean it it. I was cooking at 250 in about 15 minutes instead of like 45 minutes to an hour using anything from briquets to wood.
However I missed playing with fire and started playing with smoking smaller cuts on my WGA and Charbroil Patio just for fun. I use wood chunks, lump, and briquets.
For me the big take-away was to stop using the minion method and just use a lighter cube and blow torch. A mall hot fire is better than a larger cooler fire, so starting off with just the blow torch and cube is way easier to stay low and slow than a half of chimney thrown into a whole ring of unlit coals and having to quickly choak off the air to stop it from getting too hot. If more coals are needed I carefully place them instead of just throwing them on and that continues the clean burn.
I usually put the re-used coals and lump by the starter cube to further decrease the time for smoke to clear. I like lump but find the huge size difference between pieces makes it let say fun to place the smaller pieces;-)