First Brisket



New member
I am a relatively new WSM 22.5 owner. This weekend I will try my first brisket. It will be a 13.7 lbs packer cut brisket. Up to this point I have done a turkey, pork butt, baby back ribs, and spare beef ribs. I will be cooking with KBB and Hickory chunks using the minion method and a Maverick ET 732.

Any tips? Expected cook time, expected fuel usage, will I need to add fuel mid cook, water pan, etc....?

Thanks in advance!
Duplicate the method you did for your pork butt. Start toothpicking for tenderness at 190 internal, but don't be surprised if it goes as high as 205 internal. It's done when the toothpick goes in effortlessly. Wrap in foil for at least an hour for its rest
When you rest it don't foil it right away or it will continue to cook. If your not holding it warm for a few hours just let it rest for 20-30 minutes then slice and eat.
Second what Bob Sample said ! You spent so much time and effort getting it just right. Let it cool first to about 170 before wrapping it up.
The cook time is directly related to the cooking temperature, if I was cooking that brisket I would put it in the cooker running 220-230 degrees around 8:00pm figuring on taking it off the cooker around 10 - 11:00 the next morning.
No peeking, no mopping, no spritzing, no wrapping ... just a good nights sleep.
If your cooker doesn't like temps that low or you like to wrap your meat it will take less time.
The deal is cook it until it is done and remember brisket is ready when it's ready, does not really matter if it's cooperating with your schedule or not.
I like the method that Aaron Franklin uses in Austin,Tx. I pull the brisket off at 165 internal temp and wrap it in brown butcher paper. Then it goes back on to an internal temp of 180-190. It takes about 60-75mins/pound at 225-250 degrees. The butcher paper keeps it moist but still allows the smoke to penetrate. There are a lot of good videos on his YouTube channel.
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