First 2012 Stubbs Sale


RichPB (richlife)

TVWBB Wizard
Lowe's weekly brochure shows Stubbs on sale for $6.99 a bag. Disappointing for those of us who hoped for the annual near half price sale.

I've no idea if they will put Stubbs on sale again later, but I'm out and will buy a couple of bags and wait. $1.50 is nice but not thrilling. I wonder if they figured out that some of us lie in wait and then buy them out? A lesser sale may still clear the shelves, but Lowes gets a much bigger cut.

Rich figures. I've been waiting for the sale to restock; but only $1.50 off a bag means I'll have to continue to suffer with the stinky, dirty, ashful KBlue that I've been amassing on the cheap.

I love me some Stubbs but when K consistently underprices, who am I to argue aesthetics when performance is about the same? Sigh.
well, the sale runs through July 2. I am going to buy a "couple of few" bags and see what happens in the next flier.
If you guys have a Trader Joe's nearby, they have 18 lb. bags of their natural hardwood briquettes for $6.99 all the time.
Word around the camp fire is these are re-packaged Original Charcoal's Rancher's.
Originally posted by Scott M:
If you guys have a Trader Joe's nearby, they have 18 lb. bags of their natural hardwood briquettes for $6.99 all the time.
Word around the camp fire is these are re-packaged Original Charcoal's Rancher's.

I'll check that out. I did try them (Trader Joe's) last year and found them to be quite good -- seemed comparable to Stubbs. But the bags were only 10 lb. that I got, so 16 lb. at $6.99 would be good.

I'll pass. If they do the half-price sale again I'll get some, but I have 4 bags of lump, and enough Kingsford to last for a couple of months (I don't like it as well as Stubbs, but the WalMart sale a few weeks ago was too cheap to pass up).
Picked up 4 bags of Stubbs today at Lowes. They did not have the $6.99 marked on the shelf, but it rang up correctly.

Spent some of the $6 I saved on hickory chunks.

I like Stubbs enough that I just suck it up and pay what they want. Any sale helps.
If you have a Costco membership, keep an eye out for the K Comp coupons. Limit is two packs per purchase, but to take advantage of the latest one I had both my daughter and my in-laws pick up some as well. I don't remember the price, but it's just a great deal, especially with the coupon. So far in my experience, K Comp is more consistent than the Stubbs.
Originally posted by Scott M:
If you guys have a Trader Joe's nearby, they have 18 lb. bags of their natural hardwood briquettes for $6.99 all the time.
Word around the camp fire is these are re-packaged Original Charcoal's Rancher's.

I've been using Trader Joe's for a few years now, and it's quite good. However, I just tried my first bag of Stubb's and I'm completely sold.
A bit less ash, better aroma, don't crumble like TJ's do either. I'm getting similar burn times - 18-22 hours on a full ring.

I now have 12 bags of Stubb's in my garage. If you get clever with competitors coupons, you can get that price down even more (got mine down to $4.14/bag)

