Fire Starters


Nick Cosby

So, a few months ago I went and bought a few different kinds of fire starters mainly for me kicking back to start a fire and have beer with friends and family, and stumbled across this one brand(if you can call it that) at one of my stores and saw that it you could use it for Grilling, so I bought since the store didn't seem to have the cubes. Upon use of them on my last smoke and the subsequent fire I started, I noticed a smell on my hands after handling the fire starters in the pack smelled like lighter fluid. I didn't really think anything of it until tonight, when I decided to grab the box and read it and noticed a warning on the side says 'Contains kerosene(petroleum)...cover out butts lawyer speak...poison control...)'Basically don't handle it or you'll get cancer. I for one will be trashing this box. And was wondering has anyone else used this before?
do you cook with cast iron or carbon steel? if so, what I do is I save the oiled paper towels in a 1 gallon zip lock bag and then I'll use that in the bottom of a chimney to get it going.
Don't toss them. Use them up then if it bothers you, don't buy them again.

I'm not a doctor but I seriously doubt you're going to get cancer from one box.

Unless you live in California (sorry Chris ;) ).

If you read the news, most everything these days will cause cancer.

Don't worry about it.
Remember when we were kids and everyone had the kerosene and coal oil lanterns for light? We survived that, so I'm sure the little dab of kerosene on those starters won't hurt ya.
Remember when we were kids and everyone had the kerosene and coal oil lanterns for light? We survived that, so I'm sure the little dab of kerosene on those starters won't hurt ya.
Kerosene and coal oil lanterns ?
Nope, don't remember those.
White gas (Coleman Fuel) era mebbe.

Still not a fan of getting intimate with petroleum products any more than I have to.
Especially volunteering to have it on my food....YMMV.

Famous last words...
"No worries, it all burns off."

When I was a kid, coal oil (kerosene) was poured on cuts and wounds.
Even taken internally for many ailments.

I am not, by any means, advocating these remedies.

