Finally My Christmas Cooks


Jak Stepan

Wife and I took on the family Christmas this year. Rented a few cabins at a Texas State Park in the piney woods. Packed up the OTS pit and had gorgeous weather. Bbqd usda Prime Ribeyes for the big Christmas dinner and made homemade bacon the next day for midday nibbles with crackers and cheese and beer and wine.

Know its late, and sorry I have not yet gotten the hang of taking pics right before we dig in or after we cut the meat.... working on this. I become a single minded carnivore. but see I like the pics of the inside of yalls meats especially yalls steaks.

the Christmas row of love

thawed and ready to prep

used a spice mix this time Emerils steak rub, it was the winner of a previous taste test I had done on steaks

did a reverse direct sear, 16 mins indirect, 3 mins direct on each side, all over pecan wood

pork belly seasoned with Lawrys and using pecan wood this time

I halved it and stacked it this time, instead of rolling it

1 hour of smoking and its done

getting better at the closeup focus shots, I hope. some of yall take incredible shots

and the block of bacon love... smoked and ready for the frying pan

thanks for stopping by.

don't lift the lid...

