Finally I found some chuck eyes and need a little help.


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Thanks to one of Jim Lampe’s excellent cooks of chuck eyes I have be salivating for months trying to find some chuck eyes up here in the high country of Arizona. Finally Fry’s (Kroger) had some and I pounced on em.
Going to be tonight’s dinner and I want to be sure I cooked them correctly.

Here is my plan for the first attempt.

Season with a little garlic, s & p and maybe a light dusting of McCormick’s Montreal steak seasoning.

Front end sear on the gasser and then indirect to 130/135 with a ten minuet rest. I don’t mind rare at all as long as I don’t have to chase it around the plate, looking to maintain the tenderness and flavor.

Top with the wife’s sautéed onions and mushrooms mixed with a little Yoshidas.

Baked potato and glazed carrots make up the sides.

Your thoughts, ideas, suggestions greatly appreciated.
Treat 'em like you would a rib-eye, and they'll be fine.
The ones I've accidentally cooked to medium were still great.
There can be some connective tissue, much like rib-eyes, just cut around it and enjoy!
yo Rich, it's BOB CORRELL that turned me on to these rascals, so please don't blame me:p
and jus so you know, chuck eyes taste GREAT without ANY seasoning! REALLY, They DO!

I hope you find them AWESOME like the rest of us!!
Thanks Jim, Okay I'll give a special thanks to Bob for finding them and probably a long time before I joined the forum and I thank him for that for sure. But it was you first that I saw and then others who drew my interest. I guess I’ll just say thanks to all of you who posted chuck eye threads and all the other treads I’ve learned so much from. Without you're knowledge I'd still be flipping burgers.
With that it, out the door into the cold I go to try another great adventure I’ve learned on this forum…Thanks again to all
Pictures on the photos tomorrow.

