Finally a good trash pile find?


Wes D.

TVWBB Member
Was driving home the other night with the wife around 11 PM....Spied this on the curb, hit the brakes, and coerced the wife into helping me load it up.
A quick wash revealed a Redhead genesis 3000 in great condition.
New flavorizer bars coming, but the griddles are in great shape!
Will look great beside my original early-model black Genesis 3000.RH.jpg
It's hard to believe someone would just put that to the curb. I would have grabbed it on the spot too and hoped nobody had to walk the rest of the way home as a result 😀 Awesome find!
WOW! I'll say! What a sweet grill. Looks ready to go as is. You found yourself a gem. Please keep us updated with what you do with it. We all love photos!

I need some curbs around me like that :smilekettle: !
Great find! It's so intact, you have all of the tables (meaning all of the z bars), all of the knobs, the side burner lid and even the hooks for utensils!

I'd love to see under the hood, but wow great find!

I had to spend $25 for one without so many intact pieces of wood, and mine was missing the side burner cover too.

You paid less and got more, congrats!

