Filets and Caesar Salad


Chris Lynch

TVWBB All-Star
Traveled this weekend to the beaches of DE and cook for my evil stepmothers birthday. (its a term of endearment)
Prepping mushroom and bacon sauce for the steaks

The salad dressing is a recipe that I got from a restaurant where we made these table side.
Seriously folks, if the lady loves Caesar salad, do this next time and it is one of the best salads you will ever eat.
Croutons are cubed and seasoned with a heavy dose of olive oil, salt, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning.

Then in a wooden salad bowl make a paste of 2 cloves of garlic and 1 anchovy filet. Even if you hate anchovy, do it. Its a must and you will barely notice it. But you will notice it if its missing. Then mix in a tablespoon dollop of Dijon mustard and a few splashes of Worcestershire. Squeeze in the juice from one lemon and half an orange and add a teaspoon of sugar and mix well.

Then right before you are ready to serve add an egg yolk, mix well then drizzle in while whisking about a 1/2-1 C of olive oil until desired consistancy

Action shot!!

Appetizer and Martini time!

thank you Sweden

1 1/2" thick steaks seared over as high of heat that I could get for 2 min on each side, then to the indirect for 14 min for med rare. I think I need the cast iron grates. The sear just isn't quite right.

Salads done. Don't forget the cheese

Time to eat!

I love this meal. This was my first time doing the mushroom sauce and made a rookie mistake by adding the lemon to the cream and letting it sit and the sauce broke down on me. The flavor was spot on, but the consistency was not there. We live and we learn.
Thanks for looking!
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Awesome food! Everything from the sallad to the sauce looks great! Couldent have used a better Vodka eather :P

*edit* Love you spice tubes!
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My father made salad dressing in just the same way. I loved it. Did not pay close enough attention so the recipe is lost.
I love this meal.
I would too!! You did an Outstanding Job!!
Your regular grates can give terrific grill marks, just bring your steaks (filets) to room temp before adding to the hot grate.
and Chris, one more thing, real martinis are made with gin.... :o
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just a quick reply regarding your martini - Jalapenos! I like it.

There's a martini bar in downtown SLC called the red door. Every once in a while someone will order one of their "martinis" that has ~2 oz tequila, jalapeno brine, and cilantro added to the shaker.....well that's how I make them at home anyway, other than I use 3 oz plain-old Cuervo.

