Feeding the Band


John Sp

TVWBB All-Star
Hello All,

Sorry I have been out of touch recently. I have been grilling but have not had any time to post my cooks or marvel at yours. Life intervenes... Anyway this weekend we held the annual band picnic for the Slidell High School Marching Tiger Band. I made my Mediterranean Chicken for them. We had about 90 kids and around 25 adults this year - our biggest crowd yet. We cooked six batches of jambalaya, 60 hamburgers, 80 hot dogs, 30 sausage on a stick, and 110 units of chicken. They inhaled it all. At the end of the day, we had six hot dogs and about half of a gallon Ziploc of jambalaya left. Sorry I didn't get any plated pics, they ate so fast I did not have a chance. Below are the pics I did get...

Prepping The Bird - Skewers Soaked Overnight - Sprinkled with Lemon Pepper

Harvesting Lemon Zest - Subsequently Minced and Added to the Marinade

Prepping the Marinade (Lemon Juice, EVOO, KS, Dried Basil, Dried Oregano, Lemon Pepper, Lemon Zest, Garlic)

The Grill Set-up - Silver and Gold in the Background

Chicken on the OTS

My Grilling Partner, Mike, Tending to the Burgers and Dogs on the Band Concession Gasser
(You can see my 'chicken hot tub' on the right of the gas grill)
Picnic Fun


The SHS Marching Tiger Band Performing Parts of Their Competition Show, Les Miserables at the Strawberry Band Festival

(My son, Daniel, has the baritone solo in the last one)

We had an awesome day for a picnic - warm and sunny with a nice breeze. They played and ate their fill. The food was a big hit with the kids. They have worked hard all year (won several competitions and improved across the board from last year) and I am proud of them. The Mediterranean Chicken has become sort of a tradition for them as they have asked for it five consecutive years now. I had many requests for the recipe. I wound up with about a quart of the unused marinade left over so I have to figure out what to grill with it today. Thanks for looking...


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Congrats to the band, those were great performances. Outstanding job and Daniel was great. John you and all the parents did a great job on the picnic for sure.

