Electric smoker recommendation?


Chris Allingham

Staff member
OK, don't freak out! This is not for me! I've got a friend who needs an electric smoker because of housing restrictions. If you HAD to go electric, which one would you buy? Any have first-hand experience?
I had a Smokin Tex 1400 before i bought my WSM. Nice unit and would have kept it if I had the room. These things are almost fool proof unless you way over cook something like my buddy did that bought mine. He now has the hang of it. These are almost set it and forget about it. Never a dry piece of anything came out of mine.
Smokin Tex on the higher end, at least for me Chris, a lot of people love the new Masterbuilt versions. Especially for the price.
Whichever one he goes for make sure it is insulated well.
I got a Masterbuilt for Christmas and so far so good. I use it for long overnight smokes and it works great. For the price it's hard to beat.
I have a masterbuilt. Works great, price is right too. I got it for a present 2 years ago. After my first 'seasoning' run, I saw the seal on the top was creased, not sealing perfect. I called their 800 number, after 5 minutes they said they'll ship me a whole complete door assembly. I said no, just send me a new seal, I'm handy enough to install it. They said no, because I shouldn't have to mess around with it. I was impressed. They also shipped it overnight!
This may sound goofy, but the Brinkmann cheapo electric is not a bad way to learn for the money. IF you must have electric.
I know a guy with zero bbq experience who was turning out pretty good chicken on his first few tries with it. If you don't like
it, its not a lot of money lost, and you can sell it on CL.
I have used many of the so called electric smokers, heck I live 2 miles from bass pro, sold them all for my WSM22.5 and never looked back, the bradley 650$ makes a good ice chest, I would go with the master built, they got good service to replace the element,

