Dogs with the little man



Stressful day at work, so I came home to relax, grill with my little man, and hit him some grounders in the backyard. It was a short notice cook-out, so we just grilled up some Hebrew National Beef Franks...

My little man helping get the fire going with the "grabbers".


Had been a while since I used the Smokey Joe.


I like my dogs with a little bit of cheese on them. Nothing fancy, just some Kraft sliced.


Some frozen curly fries, and topped the dog with some of the homemade BBQ sauce I cooked up this weekend.

good times. dang good times. perfect time and reason to take off work. his cook looks pretty good too for his age heheh.

don't lift the lid...
Hearing from people that envy these type of interactions helps in an odd sort of way. Sometimes having "little" kids (I have 3 below the age of 9) can be busy and hard to enjoy. Your comments helps me remember that I need to enjoy this time with them, because it is special and limited.
And thus a new generation of BBQ enthusiasts is born.... Nothing better that passing on your passion to your kids, Ricardo. Some day he will invite you to his house to enjoy some brisket or pulled pork with your grandson. Enjoy the ride dude!


Cool post Ricardo.

It's fun cooking with my kids. When they are involved it seems they are eager to eat since they helped.
What a fun day. Your little guy is cute. My boy is now nine and I miss those days. Their innocence is heartwarming.

