We are in early spring here in our “Rain Shadow” area of the Olympic Peninsula.
We are very close to the water and the mountains
The hills close by are still getting snow.
We can see the snow line and it’s not far away.
I think there are a dozen or so glaciers near 15 miles from here as the crow flys and they probably effect our weather a bit, but who knows?
That said we don’t see as much snow on the cars coming down the hills as we did not long ago.
We still have occasional light rain and drizzle but are seeing lots of things come to life here.
My bulbs have are near a foot tall and are starting to flower.
There are lots of plants starting to bloom right now and it’s time to add some lawn seed.
We even have a couple of robins that tap the sliding glass door for us to toss them some bread.
I thought that was cool until I had to clean their poopy mess so “No more soup for you! “

I think coming up I will buy a Bobcat or a mini excavator for our land to grade a large area.
The quotes were near 20K so I figure it might pay for most of it itself and I’d have a really nice snow remover thingy.
We drive back and forth to the Bay Area a lot and are still very leary of snow storms on the Siskiyou mountain pass using a 2 wheel drive vehicle.