Do you watch The Voice?


Chris Allingham

Staff member
If you do and you saw this last night and liked it, I saw it live last September during a taping of The Voice at Universal Studios. It was as fun to watch on TV last night as it was to watch live, except they didn't black her out in the live performance, they did that in post-production.

I might know someone whose girlfriend tried out for it in Vegas ?early last year. I'll have to ask tomorrow - I thought it was American Idol but I don't see vegas in their schedule.

How about The Orville? S1 E7 reminded me of a Black Mirror episode, (Blk mirror is much creepier) with up-votes & down-votes, but......more consequential.
I went to see "Rockstar: Supernova" (remember that show? Lol) being taped once. What amazed me was seeing how much detail went into the set design - details that almost no one would notice on TV. Also, at one point during a "cut", it was quiet on set & everyone's attention was on Tommy Lee, Jason Newsted & Gilby Clark. All of the sudden the girl contestant (runner up, can't remember her name) started belting out her song; she was such a powerful singer that she kinda startled me lol! It was a lot of fun though. Got to see Tommy's boys, who were quite young, running around the set between takes. Was fun to see that episode (& ourselves) on TV when it aired!
I haven't watched the last few seasons, but my wife and I used to watch it. I like that it's by and large pretty positive.

