Do we need a chimney?

I just got a replacement large chimney along with other Weber goodies directly from Weber. Free S&H and the chimney itself costed $21. It will soon replace my original chimney that's twenty-three years old and slowly crumbling. 8'''''((
Before chimneys ( the earliest one was a metal coffee can with holes punched in with a church key from the boy scouts or the Frug)
people used lighter fluid.
Place the charcoal in a pile and douse it with plenty of petrol chemicals.
Some still do that or use matchlight charcoal, but most of us have moved on to a more natural way.
Coleman fuel and white gas burn off much much cleaner than lighter fluid.
Get the big one, then flip the bottom grate over. Which makes the big chimney better for lighting small amounts -- so no small required.

When you invert the chimney, does the charcoal actually ignite with the burner paper lying so far below them?????
I've just started using my chimney with nothing but briquettes over the side burner on my gas grill. No need for paper or any kind of starter
Oh, you boys!
The simple fact is really if you are going to use charcoal...YES, YOU NEED A CHIMNEY!
The subsequent ignition source is irrelevant (skip the Groucho reference) be it a side burner, cubes, newspaper or chips.
(Obscure cowboy movie reference... go watch “Will Penney”)
Once you have some start the rest is...Victory!
Gee, three movie references in a 5 line post? Booya!
I disagree on need for chimneys. For grilling, take a cone shaped pile of charcoal, tuck your fire starter cube or tumbleweed or torch on top to get the top of the charcoal to get the pile going and wait about 15 to 20 minutes then spread the pile out to make a bed of coals. If smoking, fill up the charcoal ring, tuck lighter cubes/tumble weeds into the middle, light it up, wait 15 minutes or so and put the smoker together. If you want a bigger fire faster, use two or more cubes or tumble weeds. Less messy, no ash from the chimney.. No risk of embers falling out of the chimney onto the ground or on your feet.

On the other hand, if you like using a chimney, that's cool. I used them for a long time. They're not expensive, and they do the job of lighting charcoal.

