Do I sell out??? Community poll please......



TVWBB All-Star
Man o man what the heck did I get myself into. A buddy of mine called me and told me he just picked up two sets of flavor bars for a penny each at Home Depot!!!! So like any resto guy I hauled *** to HD to see what was going on........when I got there I saw no sale items at all :( I figured this was a one store thing and was just gunna go on home.
As a 3rd year resto man I pride myself in bringing back over 50 classic Webers to date.....and I pride myself on seeing these old grills in the hands of very excited happy new owners.

Welllllllllllllllll as I was exiting the Weber isle at HD my eyes locked in with laser focus at a large yellow clearance tag on a brand shiny new Weber Genesis 11 E315 propane cooking machine. I says to ma sef......look away Jim......just look away......u know those grills are stamped out in China Jim. Well the guy on my other shoulder said hell no lets check it out! Holy crap!!!! This baby is $350 off of regular price!!!! The beautiful sticker gleaming in the Home Depot lights just a mere hour before closing time.....said was $849 now $498!!!!! At this point the guy on my left shoulder starts a fight with the guy on my right shoulder and it is on! I looked at that sucker for 20 minutes opening doors.....turning knobs.....checking metal gauges....burners.....drip treys.....and then it happened..... The guy on my left shoulder reached out and ripped that clearance tag right off the grill hood and escorted me to the cashier in some sort of panic......I mumbled.......IIIIIiiiiiii iiiiiiiuhhhh iiiiii iiii uhhh waaaannnnnntttt tooooooo buyyyyyyy thisssssssssssss grilllllllll hereeeeee issssss aaaa stiiiiickkerrrr. Before I knew it the guy on my left shoulder had swiped my credit card and I had receipt in had scurrying back to my modern China grill as fast as I could so no one could pilfer a knob or a starter off of my baby.
I rolled that baby out of the depot on those magnificent modern large rubber wheels like she was on air suspension. Fortunately I had my little ramp with me and rolled her up in the van and disappeared into the night.

This morning I woke up and returned to my work van to see a monster of a grillin machine taking up my entire van. I drove around to the garage when I knew the wife was busy and quietly unloaded the beast. She now sits in my garage safe and protected but now what the hell do I do?

My current grill is a gorgeous Silver B Premium with the black knobs and the pin stripes. I have all Weber OEM parts installed and RCplanebuyer ss grates as thick as sausages. I have very few complaints about this grill.......If I had one it would be that there are certainly hot spots and cold spots but I use those in my favor. I will include a pic of this ole gal.

Sooooooooooo do I keep the mega monster 2000!!!!!! or do I stay with ole faithful?????????
I will include a pic of the new monster as well......dont be confused.....the pic I am including is the monster next to another grill that I am just working on to restore. It is the green top Silver B Premium vs The Genesis II E315 What say you!!!!!

Ps.....I will need to replace the grates on the 315 with ss if I keep......I dont wanna baby sit cast iron.
One other my market I can easily get $300 for my silver B so the new monster grill would only be a net $200 purchase for me.....
I am kind of with Larry, but I admit had that happened to me I might be in the same boat!

The II has some positives including very even temperatures and larger grilling space. The obvious negatives are that it is made out of much much thinner metal and not likely to last for years and years like a classic Genesis. Your Silver is my favorite of that line - the last year with black trim, and yours has the double fold-down tables. Awesome!

Keep’em both!
I think you would regret getting rid of the old one. It might be fun to hear how you like the new one compared to it though.
A couple of thoughts......
When I made the purchase I felt very comfortable knowing I could flip it for at least $100 profit because there are no more for the rest of the year.

I guess I could put the ole gal in my shop for a while and keep her around just in case.....I mean it is in tip top rust.

I do think I would have some regret getting rid of the grill that started the Weber hobby for me.......but I am the same guy that took my semi new car and sold it back to the dealer this year for a $2000 net gain and never looked back. So maybe I could move on from ole greenie and never look back.....worse case scenario would be to just keep changing grills every so often for the heck of it. I am certain I would never find a Silver B Premium in that condition again.

If I am being honest I rarely cook for a bunch of people...its just me and the wife. I do however like the flip down warming trey in the 315. I also like the modern vertical style burners in the 315. I also like the tank hiding wings o the 315. Man o man is she shiny and new.....the knobs flow like butter..... The biggest draw back is that they want a ton of money for the 9mm ss grates that I would want for it.

I will absolutely be firing that thing up and doing a heat run..........if she fires and heats like a scalded mule then she will be hard to turn away.
It is also kinda wild thinking that I own a grill that has a 10 year parts warranty.....ha! For the last three years I have been trying to scavenge parts for 25 year old classics......... two completely opposite worlds. I am not worthy
Ha! No she still doesnt know......and she is in a really good mood right now. Tomorrow she will go in the garage and get in her car to warm it up and then something is gunna catch her eye.........she will no doubt jump out of the car and come up stairs to wake me from my slumber with a scowl....and a bunch of questions yikes!
I think you've got to sell the new one. You can't keep something that big and new from your wife and also cook on it. You've got another nice grill - what would she want?
One other my market I can easily get $300 for my silver B so the new monster grill would only be a net $200 purchase for me.....
Keep the new one for a net of $200 that is a great deal. Love my Silver C but I long for the N/S days but the Silver C not going anywhere.
Edit: That must be some kind of market in the ATL I doubt I could get anywhere near $300 for my Silver C probably lucky to get $200 on a good day.
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Nothing wrong with grabbing a new one for a potential flip, but you gotta keep the oldies. I’ve got a pair of E-435’s that I picked up at Lowe’s for half money ($1199 marked down to $599) with my wife by my side encouraging the purchase. I’ll sell them for $900 each in the spring and use the proceeds to fund other areas of this little hobby. Meanwhile, I’m still cooking away on a trusty Silver B and appreciating every moment of it.
I know I am in the minority here, but after 20 years on the Silver B, I bought a new Weber with the new N/S burners. Here comes the part where I get flamed--- I like the new configuration better.
I know I am in the minority here, but after 20 years on the Silver B, I bought a new Weber with the new N/S burners. Here comes the part where I get flamed--- I like the new configuration better.

I've had my Silver B for over 20 years, and this spring I bought an E310 for a friend (used) and liked it well enough I bought an E330 for me ( used ) and I like the NS better than the EW for most things.

You could add an afterburner:

Or you could do what I did, which is keep both. Well, sort of. I created a hybrid Silver / 1000 and its job is rotisserie cooks.
Edit: That must be some kind of market in the ATL I doubt I could get anywhere near $300 for my Silver C probably lucky to get $200 on a good day.
You could sell one of us (perhaps me) the grates for $100 and then sell the rest of the grill for $200. That said, in good conscience, I must add that if it were me, I'd keep the Silver.
I know I am in the minority here, but after 20 years on the Silver B, I bought a new Weber with the new N/S burners. Here comes the part where I get flamed--- I like the new configuration better.
Nothing wrong with a personal preference. I like the East West since I make rotisserie chickens almost once a week, and the zones East West I've already gotten used to. I hope you like the grill!

OP: Keep whatever you want to keep. If you've rehabbed fifty grills, you certainly could hold the old Genesis for a little while at least, especially since you said you wouldn't find another in as good condition. Might I suggest a rotisserie motor and spit for the old grill?
Thanks all!! Tonight is trash night...and as I walked through the garage with that shiny 315 sitting right next to the wifes car I thought hey......why dont I just toss a cover over it and prolong the lecture :) and so I did so. There is another grill in there too....she wont think there is a new one under that cover....grills come in go in my garage all the time.
As for the grilling grates on the silver.....ya man those sausage bars are fun to cook on.....once u go RC u cant go back!!!!
Well as I mentioned I already priced out the 9mm ss grates that Weber sells for the 315........very expensive.....approx $200 which is a big problem. If I keep the 315 I will reach out on this board and see if anyone wants to trade cast iron for ss.....but I highly doubt anyone would. So I would just buy some RC's I guess and sell the cast irons.

