Do I need to turn off the gas at tank?


Gary Lassila

New member
I just got a Q 320 I am wondering if I have to turn off the gas at the propane tank. Does anyone leave the gas turned on at the tank?
With the Q 320 it seems like it will be pretty difficult to reach the tank knob.
Thanks for any assistance!

Thanks for all the answers.
Alas, it was the answer that I expected to hear.
The way my grill is on my deck it is difficult to reach the knob. The plastic skirt that hides the tank also makes it difficult to reach the knob from the front of the tank.

Thanks again!
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Turning off is a good habit to get into, hose, regulator, and or valve could leak and there goes your tank,Empty just when you need it.
most tanks have safety valves now but still. close the gas at the grill, then close the tank. you get to sleep better this way.
Have to ask..................Do any of you shut the gas off to the house when you're done cooking at the stove? No? Well using the theories presented you might want to :-) Me I never bother shutting the gas down either on my LP or NG units
Have to ask..................Do any of you shut the gas off to the house when you're done cooking at the stove? No? Well using the theories presented you might want to :-) Me I never bother shutting the gas down either on my LP or NG units
But your house is plumbed different. I'll bet it is not high pressure hose and does not expand and contract like propane does. Ever notice, when you fill a tank, you can get more in it when temps are 35 compared to 75? Mine vary up to 2/10 of a gallon.
Yes and I sleep better too.
I don't have a Q, but plenty of other LP toys.
I, also turn off the gas on my 300 series Q's, but if I am using the Q 200, i undo the propane cylinder and store it until my next cook with it. I have to admit, I never read any instructions telling me to to do this, I guess I just do it out of habit.
the gas to my house is being used so i can't shut it off. but thats not what we are talking about. all of the info i have ever read has stated that the tank be turned off after use.
thats good enough for me.
At my house, I always turn off the gas after using. Why? Because it's easy and my 120Q is connected via a coleman T and an extra hose, multiple points of failure.

The main reason for turning it off is because of leaks. What are the chances for leaks? In my case, more than other because of the multiple points of attachment. In your case, there is the tank connector and the connector to the q320. Test the hose for leaks at both ends, if there are no leaks, there is no reason why you can't leave the tank open.

That being said, what are the chances you might accidentally leave the grill turned on? Getting in the habit of turning off the tank at the end of a cook will lessen the chance of leaving your grill on, over night, and drain the propane tank (I only did it once on my cheapish gas grill).
I never turn off the tank and with rubber hoses etc I probably should. However it's a pain to reach on my gasser and I've usually got a load of hot food I want to get on the table.

I'm sure there is a youtube out there capturing this type of disaster. However mine is outside so if it did leak it would probably just expend the tank without incident since there is no open flame around. I usually check for gas smell before I turn it on thinking if there was a big leak hitting the ignitor might be an issue.

I've never had an incident with my gasser leaking. I have however had my washing machine hose blow on me twice in the last 23 years.
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Like I said we don't go to the meter and turn off the gas to our home yet we have many gas appliances and stuff that all could have a higher percentage of leaking INSIDE the house. Most (well at least a Weber) gas grills have the same or better quality valves than your range. I have never had an issue never expect to either
Turn off the gas on your tank. Come back in an hour and turn it on. If you don't hear any gas filling the hose, you have no leaks in your system and are good to leave the tank valve open.

I withdraw this recommendation. Looking at 4 "gas grill propane instructions" on line, 3 of them say to disconnect the propane tank when not in use, 1 of them said to shut off the LP valve cylinder, when not in use.
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every site i looked up pertaining to portable tanks including grills state to turn them off at the tank. i suspect that there is a reason.
just as thousands of folks have poured gas into their car fuel tanks. but once in a great while, static will light that fuel off. after reading about a shop owner who was doing that and got killed, i went out and got a very expensive fuel recovery system for my shop. but do YOU want to be that exception ?
The wear and tear on portable systems are in another league than on permanent installations. That's why you should always turn off the valve at the tank.
hey, if someone doesn't want to turn off their gas at the source, they don't have to listen to you.

and hopefully, they won't have to hear it from their local fire department either.
I think it's great that so many of you are taking a stand for freedom. Don't let "the man" or "the safety experts" or "the manufacturer" tell you you can't do something. They're just trying to keep you down. Even if there's absolutely no reason for you to take the stand you're taking, you have the right to take it whether or not it flies in the face of conventional wisdom and common sense.

I have to imagine there are so many good reasons for not taking the three seconds involved in turning the gas off at the tank. You all just keep on keepin' on. Fight the good fight. That's what I say.

Your pal,

