Do I need a gas grill?


Stephen Scaggs

TVWBB Member
jI have a one touch gold. I love my charcoal grill, but I am considering a gas grill for weeknight after work grilling. It seems to take a while to get the charcoal going in the chimney starter and be ready to cook. Would a gas grill be that much quicker? Is lump charcoal faster to get going? Would I really save that much time? I have no problem with the cleanup/caring for charcoal grill. Thanks in advance!

I think the question is, "Do you want one?" You can easily do without a gas grill, but it's nice to have an alternative cook source. It is fairly fast and easy, and you can use it in conjunction with the charcoal grill, maybe keeping stuff warm while cooking on the kettle, or if you have a large crowd and then have two grills to cook on.
During the week,Pammi will grill steak or chops or bs chicken breasts on the gasser. I got her to fire the OTS once for a tri tip that needed to be cooked. She didn't like it!
Regardless of the job, you always want to use the right tool for the job. I have a gas grill, kettle grill, and a smoker (all Weber, of course). I use the gas grill way more than the other two for exactly the reasons you state. I live in NJ (just outside of NYC) and have rather busy, demanding job. When I get home I don't want to mess around with lighting coals, etc. I turn on the gas, press the button to light it, and it's fully heated up and ready to cook on in about 15 minutes. I cook my food then leave the gas on another 15 minutes or so to burn off the grates, then turn off the gas and 1/2 hour or so later, it's cooled down and I can put the cover on it...done deal. I've even used the gas grill to cook a whole lot of stuff that would normally be done on the great for ribs and stuff when it's a short smoke and I don't want to haul out the WSM. When I want to spend 15 hours or so smoking 2 pork butts, THEN I'll pull out the WSM.
Actual warm up time is not all that much different. Depending upon the conditions and your particular gasser, it will take an honest 10-15 minutes to get it up to temp for cooking. !5 minutes is probably the norm for me, although if I am doing something really quick like brats or dogs on the Q100, 10 minutes is very realistic. Compare that to your kettle which normally takes 20-30 minutes to get coals ready to dump and another 5-10 minutes or so to settle and warm up the grates. 30-35 minutes is probably a pretty realistic time for me in most cases. Although there is some difference between lump and briquettes, you're maybe talking 5 minutes. These are all approximate times based on my experience and I am sure others may vary.

If you want to gasser, buy a gasser. Just understand that the actual time savings are not that huge when you realistically compare them.
I use my charcoal grill most if the times. But will use my gas grill if the weather looks like its going to rain and I pull the gas grill close to my patio door.
Your only going to save about 20 min or so.
I don't have a gas grill for EXACTLY the reasons you have discussed. I WANT it to take longer. I like to decompress from the day, forget the rat race, enjoy a beer or three while the charcoal is coming around, getting the grill warmed up, cooking, etc. Of course, I am an empty nester and completely understand about getting kids to football and cheerleading practice, homework done, in the bath, and in bed. Been there done that. I actually had one but I gave it to my son.
i see no reason not to have a gasser as long as its a weber. the q series are great. but i do prefer charcoal but there are days that i just feel way to lazy thus my q220.
so yea go for it .
I've never owned a gas grill. So, I can't speak to those in terms of performance and convenience. But, I cook on my charcoal kettle once or twice just about every week. I never feel like it takes me long at all to get it ready. Maybe you need to look at how you have everything organized. I keep everything close by my grills and all together in one place. I have a routine to prep the grill. I use a Charbroil makes a spiral wire brush that I love. It knocks the big chunks off quickly. A quick brush with a scrubber and I'm ready to fire it up. My fire is getting hot while I am getting my food prepped. The gas grills have caught my eye in the stores. But, I've never bitten. I kinda feel like I should cook indoors if I don't feel like lighting charcoal (or if it's raining or something).

Just my 2 cents..
Thanks for all the good replies. I had found a couple of used Weber gassers on local CL, but they moved too fast for me. I checked out the Q models at walmart the other night and they look good. I would probably only be feeding 2 adults and my 7 yr old grandson with the gasser (if I was cooking for more, I would use the kettle). I was also toying with the idea of the go anywhere gas grill, but would buy the adapter hose to use full size tank. I may just keep my eye out for a killer deal on a full size though. I really don't have the budget for a new genesis.


I have a small gas grill but mostly use my performer or platinum. I use royal oak lump and weber starter cubes to get it going. Honestly Stephen, try the royal oak lump and the starter cubes, it is fast! On any particular day that I am grilling (with the exception of rain which I don't grill in or very cold weather which it does tale longer to get to temperature) By the time I season the food the chimney is ready for me to dump the coals. it really takes no time at all before the temp gets high enough for me to grill. If I am doing a longer cook like beer can chicken I usually put in some stubbs briquettes then dump the royal oak on top, that can take a little longer but not much longer. Try getting a bag of the royal oak lump and the weber starter cubes, I think you will be impressed.
Regina, I have used the starter cubes and they work great. I used lump a few times a long time ago. I tend to use kingsford regular charcoal, but I will pick up some lump to try again.
Great Stephen, let us know how it works out for you. I get the Royal Oak lump at Walmart. I am not sure what your availability is in Denton TX. I'm sure you already know but I keep my vents open 100 percent to get it going then adjust to what ever temperature I want.
I have a Weber Gasser, and a Weber Charcoal. Nice to have both. Also have a stove, oven, microwave & toaster. I'm rich with options for my favorite hobbies - cooking & eating!!
If I want to grill, I use my kettle. IMO you get better flavor using charcoal than gas. I grill and use my smoker about 4x a week, and to me the kettle for grilling is worth the wait of only 20 more mins.
I guess I'm the wrong guy to ask that question.

