DIY grate scrubber


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
I bought a 4 pack of steel scrubbers on Amazon for about 7 bucks.
Then took a seldom used, cheap pair of locking tongs, bent in the teeth/scallops, and locked/wired in 2 of the scrubbers.

It works great!

Not that many people are familiar with the term "LOCKWIRE" I always have a roll of .25,.32.& .41 in my tool box, handy stuff.
Not sure if you guys have tried this but, I use a Dewalt cordless drill with a disc wire brush on it and it works great for me, with very little effort.

Great Idea Bob!!
I just happen to have one of those seldom used tongs, in fact, more like, used once!
Lock wire, mechanics wire, dust tape..yep. :D

Pam works really well. I just brush the grill and spray it on before the cook.

