Direct Heat chicken.


Dustin Dorsey

TVWBB Hall of Fame
I made some chicken on the poor man's Chud box, which is the 22.5 WSM.

I used these rubs.

Seasoned up Chicken halves.

Made a mop sauce based on Tootsie's mop sauce but tweaked a bit

1 Quart water.
1 yellow onion quartered
1/4 stick butter
1/4 cup white vinegar
2 Tbsp W sauce
1/2 Tbsp mustard powder
5 cloves garlic
1 sliced small lemon.
I added the garlic and lemon and did 1/4 her recipe.

I cooked on the lower grate because it's about 18 inches from the charcoal grate and the Chud box is about 17 inches. I mostly let the WSM do what it wanted and ran about 375 with a chimney of charcoal and some left over from my last cook.

Finished Chicken. My wife made some mac n cheese to go with it, but I forgot to get a picture. This turned out delicious. There's something about that direct heat flavor! I looked back and I did almost this exact same cook a few years ago for smoke day. I'm too predictable.
Looking awesome....I bet it tasted like a million bucks.

I am very curious if the WSK would do a cook just like this with the fire on the lower grate ( smoking grate ) and just have the chicken on the top grate as a cook without the diffuser plate.
The way you described it makes me think it could be done.
I've done Roadside chicken using the bottom grate no pan, turns out awesome, but you have to be fast basting because of the air rush and grease.
What is a chud box?

I often cook on just the bottom part of the 14" wsm. Grid is lying on the charcoal ring.

Chud is a bbq pit maker and YouTuber. He is over the top, but I actually like a lot of his recipes. His direct heat grill is the chud box. Pricey, not what I would get for the price, but whatever. We can easily recreate the cooking environment in the WSM.
You can't hold temps very long in a WSM like you can with the Chud Box, 3/16" carbon steel is a totally a different animal, but then again it's reflected in the price.
Maybe, but you can always add charcoal, You can even throw in unlit lump. I'd love a direct heat cooker, especially a Chud Box, but it ain't happening any time soon and this scratches the occasional itch.
It would work but it'd take longer. There's been a renewed interest in what they call "Hill Country BBQ" in Texas. It'll never be as big as the Central Texas style probably and it has been slowly dying out.
Maybe, but you can always add charcoal, You can even throw in unlit lump. I'd love a direct heat cooker, especially a Chud Box, but it ain't happening any time soon and this scratches the occasional itch.
I have yet to try it, but I can get a similar effect on my Lone Star Offset, cooking on the grate over the fire box, the only difference would be no lid. It can be illustrated in this video.


