Deep into research for the ultimite smoker.....


Wilson Boudreaux

TVWBB Member
Hello All. New kid on the block here. I have been deep into research for the ultimate (to me) smoker. This research has led me here. I look forward to pick great brains here about the WMS 22.5.

:) :) :)

from Cajun Country
I agree with Bob. More info than you'll ever use here. The search tool is your friend.

Wilson , nice pick . So do u have the 22.5? Or are u looking into it cuz there are some differences between the 22 and 18. It's worth reviewing before u buy it just to make sure it's the one u want.
Welcome Wilson. I smoked food a bunch on a Weber kettle and it was a easy transition to a WSM 22.5. I'm sure you will find from reading here on the site on posts from other users that its also an easy to use and stable smoker.
I have owned both, and recommend to my friends to stay with the 18.5" .

My 22" burns way more fuel than my 18.5" did.

I think it is all about how much do you need to cook at once? base your decision on the capacity not cost of unit or cost of fuel.
I have the 22.5 wsm and have never had the 18.5. It does eat fuel with a passion. I used 16lbs of kingsford blue on a 14hr smoke.
I have only used my 18.5 but it has done all I've asked of it and more and I feel like its economical to run. I cook for anywhere from 2 to 8 people as a is a truly awesome cooker.:wsm:
Hello Wilson,

You picked a good forum to learn...I have learned a ton in a short time.

I have cooked on lots of cookers and smokers. I just got a 22.5WSM and love it. I think it's very efficient!
Brad, what are the differences you speak of. I just bought a 22.5" and was told that they were identical in every way, except for size.
Welcome aboard Wilson. As you can see there are strong opinions even between Weber fans on the Ultimate cooker. It's a can of worms much like religion and politics. You'll have to decide what's important to you and go from there. For me, being able to cook a packer brisket or St Louis cut spares without curling or cutting them in half was important enough to me to get the 22.5".
I got the 18 as a gift just a month ago and already wish I had the 22. I dont really care about the extra fuel usage and would love the extra space. But I have a lot of local family
Couldn't agree with you more. Each smoke run I've done it's held a consistent temp for me. I've ran the 5 hr smokes to the 11 hr smokes and each time it's little to no maintenance to maintain the temp.

