Date Night

Great looking meal there Dwain. I thought the same thing about it being Chicago "the band".

Its gotta make you feel good when the wife prefers your cooking to going out
21 yrs Bill; ya gotta know which side your bread is buttered. I'm not much of musical/play guy but it puts a smile on her face. Plus, it's right down the street from a local brew pub ;)

i have to agree..I've been married 40+ years and my wife LOVES guess who has learned to (like) musicals? This guy! But when I want her to go to a sci- fi or monster movie....guess who's right next to me? That girl. You gotta give a little to get a little. (Pun intended)

ha ha! I almost forgot! Great looking dinner. :wsm:
A fantastic dinner and Chicago, very nice date night. I'm sure you earned yourself some extra brownie points for that one, you may have even earned yourself a little somethin somethin. :cool:
21 yrs Bill; ya gotta know which side your bread is buttered. I'm not much of musical/play guy but it puts a smile on her face. Plus, it's right down the street from a local brew pub ;)

Nice work Dwain! My wife drinks the same wine, I believe I own about 1/3 of that company now!
Dwain, Very nice! Wife and I do that a lot, your first picture could have been taken in my backyard, wife with a nice glass of wine and me with any beer thats in the refer.
I was thinking you may have talking about the play and the band - I don't think you can see the band these days without the Commodores or someone else tagging along - Dinner looks great, really like those spuds!
Nice everything except the beer glass. Boooo.

On the other hand, hard to beat a dinner off the grillage at home.
just ain't the same without Terry Kath
Dinner looks Superb Dwain!
Chicago was a great band, but their rock / brass mix sound was co opted from Chicago's Ides of March. Nice vase Dwain! Great steak Dwain!
Chicago was a great band, but their rock / brass mix sound was co opted from Chicago's Ides of March. Nice vase Dwain! Great steak Dwain!

Chicagos original manager (James William Guercio) worked with Blood Sweat and Tears prior to Chicago so althogh I would credit some influence to him I believe the band was discovering their sound in clubs on State Street in Chicago long before anyone else could shape them. And Jim, I agree, you could say that the day Terry Kath died was also "the night Chicago died". (a bad pun) I have seen them with and without Terry and no doubt they do miss his talent.

