Dan in Michigan


Dan in Michigan

New member
Hi All,

I am new to this forum and so for this has been a great form with a lot of great people and information. I am in the Market for my first Weber Smokey Mountain and am looking at the 18 or the 22 but leaning more toward the 22.

One question I had for anyone, how much heat radiates from the bottom of the cooker? I will be putting this on a deck made from composite materials.

Welcome to the forum Dan. This is a very friendly place and people are always willing to help.
As for your question, the legs would insulate the composite material, however, it would be a good idea to put a metal plate like an oil pan like people put under their cars in the driveway or maybe ceramic tiles or some thing similar. You never know when a stray coal will fall and damage the surface. Good luck with your decision.
Welcome good place to be and teach and learn about cooking.
Your question is a good one, the heat shield doses a good job of reflecting heat away from your deck.
But why not get something that has two uses. Get a metal water heater pan. It will protect your deck and you can use it to soak your grates in for outdoor cleaning.
I use one and its perfect you can soak with a little soak and the sun warms the water.
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I think Kevin has a very wise suggestion! My initial thought was tile or even patio block squares at 2/$5.00 it's pretty cheap insurance. Just saw the pans on sale at Menards this week as well as the brick tiles.
Welcome to the forum Dan!!!! Better safe than sorry so protect that deck!.....I really like Kevin's idea with the using the pan and then using it to soak the grates afterwards!!!!!
Thank you all for the suggestions. I think I will take a look at some patio blocks for a base and the metal water heater pan. Thanks again.
Welcome Dan. It's sad to hear that you're taking the easy way out. A real man would have tiled the deck. :)

Either way would have accomplished the mission.
In the Quad cities (or East of them) maybe, In Michigan, transportability can be very important.
I don't like to build in things like that if I might need to move, then its just a place in the wallet which should be used for things to grill.
$20.00 for an insulated grilling area, leaves enough for quite a bit of Weberfied delights! Racks of ribs, brisket, excessive amounts of sausages, butts and any other treats.
Mmmm, grilled/smoked delights!
Just had dinner and now, I want sausages! Smoked brats with peppers and onions! Aw gee, there goes any semblance of self control!
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Well got the water heater pan idea from another member. I used it under my WSM as I too have a composite deck.
I now have my WSM in a cart but still use the pan I clean my grates more often because it is so much easier, plus it is big enough to do more than one at a time. A win,win.
To be very clear, the 18.5 and 22.5 WSMs include an aluminum heat shield that hangs from the legs between the bottom of the charcoal bowl and your composite deck, so no worries about burning the deck. But greasy drips are a different issue, that's where an undercar oil drip pan or a water heater pan or similar solutions come into play.


