Dales Seasoning


Andrew Gahagan

TVWBB Member
Had some rave reviews from folks at work so I picked it up tonight.

Tastes a lot like soy sauce to me...how do you go about using this stuff? I assume a little goes a long way?
You can marinate with it,or put some on while whatever you are cooking is on the grill. The main ingredient is soy sauce.I have used quite a bit of it over the years.
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I don't use it by itself most of the time, but rather IN stuff, like brines, marinades, injects, etc. It's more of a component. Hope that makes sense, it did in my head :)
Like Dwain said .... Don't marinade for more than 30 min. If its a thin cut do less time. I use it for my asparagus and zucchini.
It is definitely strong stuff. It is very easy to overdo it. Like Jim mentioned, it has MSG in it, which is an ingredient that I try to avoid. But, I do make an exception for Dales and Country Pleasin' sausage. They are just too good to do without :).

Lately, I have been mixing Dales with Worcester and marinating my steaks with it. I do about 2:1 (twice as much Worcester). Don't add salt. Dales is very salty.

I'm not sure if Country Pleasin' sausage is available in your area. They make it here in Central Mississippi and sell it at Walmart, Kroger and other grocery stores in my area. But, I'm not sure if they sell it in Krogers and Walmarts outside of my area. If you can, get some. If by some chance you are able to get some, try cutting it half lengthwise and cook indirect with the cut side facing down so that the grease runs out. I like to overcook it so that it's not greasy. I've tried pulling it off at 140 F. But, I think I prefer it more crispy than greasy.

