Cutting Notch in 18.5 WSM

I used a dremel with ametal cutoff wheel for my notch. I place mine so that it can sit on the workbench that I made and be out of the way. Just make sure that the placement makes sense for you. I used tape and marked my cut with a sharpie as a guide.

It's so easy and works really well. Good luck.
I did it and it's great, another benefit for me was that along with the probe cables I can slip a good dial thermometer through there as well.
That's an interesting unintended benefit. What brand dial thermo do you use?

I've got 3 webers from my genesis 2 are pretty accurate plus they are thin and long. I used to use em' through the top vent on the kettle while smoking on that. With a little bit of tin foil molded around the probe just under the dial housing I was able to angle it to get just below the top grate plus it seems the seal up the notch cut a bit.

I'm actually open to suggestions for a better thermometer to try, a larger face and a bit more limited range would be cool, but a long probe is what I liked about those webers.

Let me know what you think,
John Goebel
I just used a 1/8th disc on mine and it seems plenty for the probe wires, I cleaned up the edges with a utility knife. Worked like a charm. Just be careful to not go very deep with the slot. I thought I was being conservative and I almost over did it. A little slot goes a long way;)
What size should the slot be if using an angle grinder?

If you're using a grinding wheel, just that width is perfect. (3/16 - 1/4")
If you're asking about height - just past the lip so there's a little hole exposed after you set the lid on.
The main reason I used the tape is to have a Sharpie line as a guide. I made it a little wider without tape and there was no chipping.

A Dremel was used on mine.
I'm reeeeeally leaning toward the notch mod. Last couple times I used my WSM I was getting frustrated with the grommet just because I have an "el" shaped probe and its a PITA to pass it thru the wall of the hot smoker with oven mitts on.
I think I'm gonna borrow my buddy's angle grinder and just do it.
I'm reeeeeally leaning toward the notch mod. Last couple times I used my WSM I was getting frustrated with the grommet just because I have an "el" shaped probe and its a PITA to pass it thru the wall of the hot smoker with oven mitts on.
I think I'm gonna borrow my buddy's angle grinder and just do it.

Frank- just curious if you did the notch in lieu of the grommet? Thinking about doing this as well. Just have to work up the courage!
Did the notch with the angle grinder. Also did the nomex mod on the wsm. I let the gasket ends run 1.5" long out of the notch and seal any small air leak.
Great idea...I just did the wheel mod but this is next on my list! Really wish I had the '14 body with new grommet!

I have the new grommet on the 14.5 but it still has the same issues with removing the top grate with probes in the meat, you have to take the probes out.
I think I will do this for both the 22 and the 14

