Curse Of The Goat?

Been a Cubs fan and Bears fan for over 60 years (grew up in the Chicago burbs). All I can say is it's about time...GO CUBS!
Glad to see the Cubs doing well. What a difference having an ownership with deep pockets and a clear plan can make!
I'm pulling for the Cubbies this year, even though I am a Brewers fan.

Somebody in the Land of Lincoln should probably BBQ-up some goat in "effigy" as a precautionary measure....
(Isn't that sort of a big thing at Chuch Festivals in one of the Carolinas?)

I've heard from reliable sources that Grilled Jerk Goat is also supposed to be quite tasty

Good luck neighbahhhhhs... ;-P
Yea I get you Bob, but that team is scary good, built for the long haul. I don't have to deal with them in the division, just as a die-hard south side fan.:(

Living in Arizona, I haven't been to a game at Wrigley in a long time. But Cubs spring training (followed by Portillo's) is an annual rite for me. My brother and his family were at tonight's game. No matter who you root for, this is historic and is a GREAT thing for baseball!
That was fun. I can't remember the last baseball game I watched start to finish. Ratings for the Series should be astronomical.

I'm not sure who I'll root for in the World Series. I grew up a Cubs fan, until Bud brought the Brewers to Milwaukee, but I have a lot of empathy for my friends from Cleveland.

Can you forgive Bartman & the goat now?
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oh, i think the curse is, in fact, still intact.....

Billy Sianis's telegram to then team owner Philip K. Wrigley:
“You are going to lose this World Series and you are never going to win another World Series again. You are never going to win a World Series again because you insulted my goat.”
Well the 6th place team payroll just beat the 1st place team payroll.
Now we'll get to see how well the 21st place does against the 6th.
Either way long suffering fans for one of these teams will be ecstatic.
Let's just hope the celebration stays civil.
Living in Arizona, I haven't been to a game at Wrigley in a long time. But Cubs spring training (followed by Portillo's) is an annual rite for me. My brother and his family were at tonight's game. No matter who you root for, this is historic and is a GREAT thing for baseball!

I've been a Cubs fan all my life and at 69 this is the first time they have been in the world series in my lifetime. Spent many a summer being a bleacher bum at Wrigley, but it's been at least 40 years since I've been there.
If it wasn't a 200 mile round trip I'd go see them in Phoenix for spring training, if they win I just might do it.
That was fun. I can't remember the last baseball game I watched start to finish. Ratings for the Series should be astronomical.

I'm not sure who I'll root for in the World Series. I grew up a Cubs fan, until Bud brought the Brewers to Milwaukee, but I have a lot of empathy for my friends from Cleveland.

Can you forgive Bartman & the goat now?

Sure as for the goat..... Pepsi no Coke. And for Bartman.... the Cubs should get him a seat right next to Dusty, in spring training though, not the series.
If the Cubs do lose, Cardinals fans can only hope that something (seemingly bizarre) appears to cause it to happen.
We need new ammo. :p
As someone who enjoys an occasional Baseball game (go Brewers?), but really an AVID fan - that game yesterday (with the exception of a minor error or two) was a "thing of beauty". The pitching and defensive play were really something to see.

It's nice to see somebody representing the NL OTHER THAN those cotton-pickin' Red Birds from the other beer town...

Congratulations to the Cubs and their fans - go get 'em!
How's your head and your guts this morning Cub fans, need some Tylenol and some Tums?
Congrats, and here's to hoping you win another one in another 108 years! :p
How's your head and your guts this morning Cub fans, need some Tylenol and some Tums?
Congrats, and here's to hoping you win another one in another 108 years! :p


