Rusty Breaux
Ive just bought 2 Holy Cow! I love that stuff on my brisket and beef ribs!
I think its going to be a HolyCow kinda cook.
Ive just bought 2 Holy Cow! I love that stuff on my brisket and beef ribs!
The Breaux Partial Crutch
What do you guys think bout that name? btw.. prounced "Bro" ... or would that be too tough for the northerns? HA
I love it! The Breaux! Interesting observations. I'm not sure I would have predicted all of those events happening. So you would recommend it as a way to develop a dark crust in a faster manner without compromising moisture?
Looks great Rusty! Glad you gave that a try, and that it was successful. That's the crust I think most Texans want to it! Even though I'm not a big fan of foil-wrapping a brisket, I want to try this next time...just to see how fast it gets through that 160*-180* range. I've always had similar results on my stick burners, without wrapping. But, I always cooked at 275*-300* and never had any problems with a stall. That first brisket I did on the WSM that had the 6 hour stall at 165* internal was the lowest temp I've ever smoked a 230*, and I'm convinced that cooking at that low temp caused the stall to be so long. And, once it came out of the stall and the temp started rising again from 165*, it still took another 7 hours to get from 165* to 200* internal. And, I'm used to doing entire brisket cooks in 7-8 hours. So, that really threw me...and that's why I thought wrapping like you mentioned might really be beneficial. I will also do my next brisket at 250*, instead of 230*...just to see if a higher temp helps. I only went that low on this last one, and my first one on the WSM, because I could.And, since I now have the luxury of putting a brisket on the WSM the night before and letting it go, I'll probably never be awake during the stall, it may be a push! LOL!!