Couple recent ones


Tim Campbell

TVWBB Gold Member
So i blinked and my son turned 12. Did some ribs and a high heat brisket. Not bad. I'm lacking creativity this summer but these were a hit.

St. Louis rack with a couple of beef ribs. Usually don't sauce during the cook but I hit the ribs twice with some Arthur Bryant's. More savory than sweet.

High heat brisket. Wild Fork. 12lbs after trimming. I think it's a bit overcooked but incredibly moist and delicious.

Did a chicken pot pie on the gasser. Really tasty.

Sweet clouds.

Great kid.
Have a great weekend, everyone!

Awesome! My oldest just turned 13 it’s mind blowing. He’s in such a hurry to be a man. Scary.
The 10 year old is still a kid but we now know how fast that’s gonna go.

Food looks great now I want a pool!
Thanks, Bruno. Swing by any time!

Yeah...his bdays make me realize I must also be aging 🤣
Time flies, buddy, and it's all great! My youngest just turned 20 and will be a junior at UCSB in the Fall. My middle kid is guiding whitewater on the American River for her second summer before she heads to Indonesia for a 4 month SCUBA/marine ecology internship in Sept. My oldest is independently living her best life in SF, and we share food pics and recipes with each other about 3-4 times a week.

We always bond over food. Great looking grub, my friend! They'll always come home for it! :)

Time flies, buddy, and it's all great! My youngest just turned 20 and will be a junior at UCSB in the Fall. My middle kid is guiding whitewater on the American River for her second summer before she heads to Indonesia for a 4 month SCUBA/marine ecology internship in Sept. My oldest is independently living her best life in SF, and we share food pics and recipes with each other about 3-4 times a week.

We always bond over food. Great looking grub, my friend! They'll always come home for it! :)

That's amazing, Rich. Lol...tempus is fugiting.

