Couple of pizzas


Tim Campbell

TVWBB Gold Member
So this isn't normally my style--I usually opt for less cheese--but I had two 10 yr olds who really like cheese. Sauce was excellent, but is well-hidden beneath the cheese.


Sausage, pepperoni, mushroom, fontina.

Way too much cheese for me, but the boys devoured it. Best part of the cook for me, aside from watching them inhale carbs, was the deck temp:

Have a great weekend, folks!
Nice! You've got Neapolitan oven temps there. What's your setup?
Thanks, Jim.

Vortex, full load. I usually use JD but this was Kingsford.

Two fire bricks with stone on top. It cooked in about 4 minutes.

Two day rise on the dough using KA 00 flour.

