Costco St Louis ribs


John Neuser

Was in Costco yesterday and noticed that they are carrying pre-seasoned ribs ready for grilling or smoking. Have any of you tried these añd how would you rate them? Thank you
We have them here as well and I have not tried them. They may be pretty good, but I like my own rubs so I pretty much figure why pay extra for a rub I may not care for or I don't know how long it's been on the ribs. I also doubt the membrane on the backs of those ribs is removed.
I bought them once, don't know if they are same supplier or not but they were just ok. Nice rib but I like my own rubs. I find most of their pre-seasoned meats to be overboard in flavor. I've passed them by since then several times. I like their side ribs and I trim them up myself to make St. Louis style spares.
I tried there pre rubbed tri tip once and it was good. They sell that rub they put on the ribs (I think tri tip is same) in the spice aisle in my local Costco.
I bought them once, don't know if they are same supplier or not but they were just ok. Nice rib but I like my own rubs. I find most of their pre-seasoned meats to be overboard in flavor. I've passed them by since then several times. I like their side ribs and I trim them up myself to make St. Louis style spares.

Thanks Gary.
Its more fun for me to use and experiment with rubs. I would personally pass on the pre-rubbed ribs.
Most stores season the meat that has met its sell by date and give it a new sell by date after the seasoning.
I've tried them and they are not bad ... I use them when I want to cook right away and don't have a night to let the seasoning set ...
Most stores season the meat that has met its sell by date and give it a new sell by date after the seasoning.

Never thought about that, though it makes sense. When I was in school the cafeteria would do the same thing with deserts. Day 1: Pie. Day 2: Pie w/"whipped cream". Day 3: Pie w/"whipped cream" and a cherry. Not that I do it often, though I have been tempted on many hungry trips to the grocery store, but I will definitely have to think twice about picking up the pre-rubbed meats now!
Convenience is nice sometimes. However, as a general statement (NOT set in stone) is that you'll be happier with meat you process yourself.

On the other hand, I have tried marinated pork loin (sold in marinade) and it was quite respectable. They are right out of the bag and on the grill and quite good. Not quite as good as those I do from scratch, but definitely decent (and better than most restaurants...).

I do purchase my St Louis cut ribs from there. Meat is good. I like using my own rubs and spices so I have never tried the already made rub spares.
I bought a case of Swift babyback's earlier in week at Costco for $2.69. Had to buy case but they were selling by 3pack for $3.49. I have had really good luck with these! These are not preseasoned.

