Cooking some pork butts and brisket at same time, need help on timing



TVWBB Member
I wanted to cook some pork butts (packet weighs 13.7 lbs for two, not sure how much they will weigh after trimming fat) and a 6.6 lb brisket flat for a 4 PM dinner engagement tomorrow. I know the pork butts could take as long as 16 hours right? I'm guessing the brisket flat would be a lot quicker? From what I've read I should foil the brisket when it hits about 165 and finish it off in the oven at 300 degrees until it hits 200-205. I planned on cooking the pork butts and brisket at 225-250. Any guidance when I should start cooking each meat? I'm assuming I'll need to cook the brisket on the top rack since I'll be putting it on after the cook starts? Thanks for any advice!
Working backwards from your 4p.m. dinnertime: You can rest the butts up to 4 or even 5 hours wrapped in foil and kept in a cooler with some towels or a blanket. You can rest the brisket flat 2-3 hours. So if the butts are done at around noon and the flat at 2-ish, you are good to go. If I were doing it, I'd put the butts on at midnight and the brisket on at around 7a.m. You can use foiling to speed up the finish of the cook as necessary. For example, if it's 9a.m. and the butts are still stalling at 165, wrap them and they will likely be at 200 by noon. Same with the flat, but be careful that you don't overcook it. Check for probe tenderness at around 190 and decide from there.

Whatever you decide, remember that the resting period can be extended longer if needed, so get them done early. The resting will keep them tender and juicy.
Thanks for your reply. I ended out putting on the butts on the bottom rack about 10:30 PM last night and put the brisket on this morning at 5:15 AM. I had my alarm set for 7 AM to put on the brisket but I woke up on my own at 5 and figured I'd get it on earlier, more rest time. Brisket is currently at 146.

