Hi Rich, I agree with DMack, those thermoset plastic tops on the performers and side tables on the gassers are a pain. Particularly when they get a little older, you have to be so 'precious' with them as they seem to love absorbing and then displaying the the smallest amounts of oil/grease. Also. if you have to put somthing hot down quickly- not on the plastic! With the SS performer, its a quick wipe down when you finish, with the plastic it's not always that quick. And you see a lot of then cracked.
I often think of starting a thread "Your favorite Weber design mistakes" (I know Lmichaels has one to nominate). Thermoset plastic tops is my nomination. I think Weber recognised this. The latter Summit/Genesis Gold/Platinum Gassers changed to a SS insert on the plastic side tables, and the current gassers have metal tops, as do the new performers. A nice improvement in my opinion.
We expect a 'better built' BBQ/Gasser/Kettle from Weber, I think the plastic side tables was a case of where the accountants won out over the designers.