Confusion over the name of my grill.



New member
I have what I'm pretty sure is called a platinum performer. It's the one with the gas assist start, and a plastic table. When I look on Webers website they don't call it a platinum performer, they call it deluxe performer I believe. The one on their website now has a metal table. Have they changed the name? Mine is about 2 years old I think.
Yes, they went to a metal table and a larger lid bale that allows the lid to intrude less into the cooking area when open. Also, the ash catcher has an easier retention method and a larger radius to promote easy cleaning. Oh, and they now have a removable timer, but yours may have that as I don't remember when they added it.
DMack, the metal table is SOOOOOOOO much nicer. To the point that quite a few of us older Performer owners have spent the $$$ to upgrade to the new table.
DMack, the metal table is SOOOOOOOO much nicer. To the point that quite a few of us older Performer owners have spent the $$$ to upgrade to the new table.

Just curious why you think the metal tops are so much better. I have two performers and haven't had any issues with the plastic tops. But I'm always open to improvements.
Hi Rich, I agree with DMack, those thermoset plastic tops on the performers and side tables on the gassers are a pain. Particularly when they get a little older, you have to be so 'precious' with them as they seem to love absorbing and then displaying the the smallest amounts of oil/grease. Also. if you have to put somthing hot down quickly- not on the plastic! With the SS performer, its a quick wipe down when you finish, with the plastic it's not always that quick. And you see a lot of then cracked.
I often think of starting a thread "Your favorite Weber design mistakes" (I know Lmichaels has one to nominate). Thermoset plastic tops is my nomination. I think Weber recognised this. The latter Summit/Genesis Gold/Platinum Gassers changed to a SS insert on the plastic side tables, and the current gassers have metal tops, as do the new performers. A nice improvement in my opinion.

We expect a 'better built' BBQ/Gasser/Kettle from Weber, I think the plastic side tables was a case of where the accountants won out over the designers.
Rich, Stephen just covered most of it. No need to worry about stains or discoloration. A quick wipe with a moist cloth and the table is in tip top shape. Also as Stephen mentioned, no worries either about setting something hot down on it. lastly, in my opinion, they metal table just flat out looks better.

Gen2 Performer with table and lid bale swap:


