Come on baby light my fire...convert summit to propane

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Honestly he's kinda tired of trying to validate it. I have put so much information out there. I have inquired if it can be made into a "sticky" but barring that if anyone simply does a search of info I have dumped out there they should be able to muddle through.
Someone needs to write up a succinct "How To" post using the photos and info from this thread and then we can make it a sticky. I've seen lots of replies over the years, but not one written as a "How To". It's usually a long, drawn-out conversation, not a step-by-step process description.

- Explain how propane and NG are different.
- Explain how those differences manifest themselves in Weber grill design and parts, e.g. orifices and valve cones and how they work together for burner control.
- Explain why replacing with a complete manifold is always the preferred solution.
- Explain the process of drilling orifices or buying new orifices. When does this work and when does it not work?
- Explain how the process differs if your grill has a side burner.
- Explain the chart that's always mentioned. Explain what a manometer is and how it's used when making changes to the manifold. Do I have to measure my home's NG pressure? Why?
- Explain what someone needs to know about general gas fittings.
- What else?
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Chris is right. THere have been a lot of hits on the subject, but what we need is an all inclusive write up stating the options, the right and wrong way to do it, when to do it and step by step how to do it. And probably one for NG to LP and another for LP to NG. Then put in the "HOW TO" format with the necessary tags to get it picked up by the HOW TO sticky.
Could something be compiled out of what's been posted so far?

EDIT: I think that is what LMichaels is saying...
And I feel bad because it does always fall to Larry. Larry is tired of being the expert on this subject. If we can impose upon him once and really get the info formatted nicely, then we can just point people to the "How To" topic and Larry can get back to refurbing stand mixers. :D
I'm going to find that picture that was posted recently about that grill on FB that suffered the meltdown...

Is there a "scratch" area where we can dump ideas and pictures and collaborate?
What truly concerns me are the unscrupulous wannabe flippers that do the conversions and then sell the grills.
Yah, I would do it, but the subject still is a bit confusing to me. That is why I always just swap entire manifolds to be safe on my rehabs.
I picked up a grill like that one pictured above a couple years ago. The guy said it had a nuclear meltdown with melted knobs and all and nearly caught his garage on fire. As I was leaving, I notice his license plate had the Fire figher seal on them. I couldn't help but ask if he was a fireman. He said yah and I thanked him for his service. I just thought it was a little ironic but he did not seem to catch the irony.
You could start a new thread for that purpose.
Yeah, but then the info is spread out and most people won't read it. The key word is succinct. I'd do it but I get it wrong a lot and Larry is the driving force behind this, has been for years. I understand he's tired of it, but maybe he wouldn't mind being an overseer and editor? And Bruce...he's seen so many grills and so much hands-on I don't see how it could done without him and Larry.
I get the science, though. I bought a manometer 20 years ago when I was having trouble with the propane in our motorhome. I probably have it around here somewhere.
I'm going to watch for this converted grill to show up on our local CL. Caveat emptor...let the buyer beware...
Yah, I would do it, but the subject still is a bit confusing to me. That is why I always just swap entire manifolds to be safe on my rehabs.
There's almost the entire sticky right there. Here's the rest ;)

"Weber does not make or sell kits to swap between LP and NG and vice versa. Doing so will void your warranty. You do not know more than the engineers at Weber. That guy on the internet that wants to sell you a kit to swap fuel sources does not know more than the engineers at Weber. Aftermarket kits are often dangerous dangerous and incomplete. The only safe way to switch between LP and NG and vice versa is to replace the entire manifold with a new/used manifold for the same model of grill that was designed for the new fuel type you want to use. Anything short of a manifold swap will cause a loss of control of the level of heat coming from the burners. It can also lead to a catastrophic fire. Drilling or replacing orifices is not sufficient for the safe and controllable use of a Weber gas grill. If you can't find the correct manifold, sell your grill and buy a new one for the correct fuel source you want to use."

"If you are looking at purchasing an old Weber gas grill and you want to confirm that the gas system has not been swapped or tampered with, ask the seller for the serial number or model number and look up the schematic at LP and NG grills have different model numbers You do not need to register the grill to do this.

"If you start a new thread about swapping fuel sources, your thread will be deleted and you will be directed to this sticky."

There's almost the entire sticky right there. Here's the rest ;)
So I've definitely thought about this as the sticky for HOW TO convert fuel type in Weber gas grills. With apologies to Nike, the sticky contains a single sentence: "Just Don't Do It." :)

But you guys are rebuilding and tweaking every aspect of these grills, so why not the fuel source?

I think a sticky should definitely begin with what you wrote. And if it doesn't stop there, it says "proceed at your own risk" and continues on to answer all of the questions I posed.
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J, I think that is too stern and someone who is bent on doing the conversion likely won't read beyond the first couple of sentences. Nobody likes to be told what to do, especially in this day and age (think: face masks). Not all grills have a legible serial or model number, and some grills have parts that have been swapped around, so a model or part number may not match a particular grill. I think explaining or demonstrating what to look out for is more helpful and friendly.
eah, but then the info is spread out and most people won't read it.
I thought you were asking if there was a scratch place where people could dump pictures, ideas, information, etc. to collaborate on drafting a How To on the subject of changing fuel sources. I was suggesting that someone start a new thread for that purpose. Once a How To is written, we would post it as a new thread and tag it so it appears with all the other How To posts we've got. Then when someone asks how to do this, anyone can say, "Read this" and provide the link to the How To.
I'm thinking that this thread will be disjointed and maybe the info won't be presented in a logical or cogent fashion. So at the point when the thread runs out, would you then go through and try to make some sense out of it for a How To, or just use the thread as developed?
J, I think that is too stern and someone who is bent on doing the conversion likely won't read beyond the first couple of sentences. Nobody likes to be told what to do, especially in this day and age (think: face masks). Not all grills have a legible serial or model number, and some grills have parts that have been swapped around, so a model or part number may not match a particular grill. I think explaining or demonstrating what to look out for is more helpful and friendly.

I understand where you are coming from Ed. It was mostly tongue in cheek, thus the two wink emojis. But I think something along those lines might be the way to go. I worry that what Chris proposed in detail in post #21 above would condone these swaps by providing so much information. It implies that it can be done safely by an average joe; I don't think that is the case. I'm not an expert on Section 230 or other internet laws, but if Chris goes from merely hosting this content on his site, disorganized across multiple threads as it is, to coordinating the organization and content of a sticky on this subject, I am concerned that his immunity from liability may be compromised. Any lawyers working in this area please chime in.

This is different from tips on safely using an angle grinder to clean a fire box. Screwing up one of these conversions can have serious consequences.

